Portrait of Kurt Houser
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Mentoring future health care leaders is a priceless opportunity, according to this Community Health Sciences faculty member.
professor Rachael Robnett
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UNLV study analyzes power dynamics in marital relationships and reveals perceptions of men whose wives retain their own surname.
parking lot under construction
Campus News |
With proposed new buildings for Business and Engineering in the works, as well as Medicine's main building coming down the pike, our campuses are ever-changing.
woman in gold dress
Arts and Culture |
Museum director Alisha Kerlin is building a network of collaborators from disparate disciplines and inventing new ways to entice the community to campus.
A student holding his project
Business and Community |
A pedestrian lighting system, a new pallet design for warehouses, a remote-controlled device that can detect IEDs, and a location-sharing app designed to encourage human interaction among more than 30 projects on display.
U.N.L.V. School of Medicine
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Researchers in UNLV's Department of Surgery continue work on statewide database to quantify human and economic costs of vehicular injuries -- and to identify prevention opportunities.
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A discussion with Bill Paulos, Pat Moreo, John Porter, Roger Wagner, and Jay "Bill" Sanderson — alumni who helped pave the way for generations of hotel administration students.
Portrait of Dr. Abraham "Jim" Nagy, Acting Chairman Department of Neurology, UNLV School of Medicine. 
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This neurologist is passionate about helping children — and about improving the medical infrastructure in Southern Nevada.
group of five people
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Five hard-working Millennials are storming the Strip with a fierceness that is shaking the hospitality business to its core.
Andrew Insigne
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With a strong event marketing background, this ‘11 alumnus knows how to spice up any party.
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As the city’s gaming industry evolves, this ‘09 alumnus brings newer technologies into the casino space.
woman speaking
People |
Working in a 24/7 industry is tough, but this alumna is determined to make her hard work pay off.