Mallory Poole talking to a student.
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The prospect of helping student-athletes pursue their dreams and the opportunity to work again with Desiree Reed-Francois drew this new member of the athletics department to UNLV.
Greenspun Hall
Business and Community |
Co-chaired by Sen. Harry Reid and Speaker John Boehner, board includes high profile experts who will direct bipartisan, research-based public policy solutions.
Myles Lum
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Commencement speaker Myles Lum found his niche at UNLV in spreading the word to new and prospective students.
UNLV grad cap
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Five UNLV graduates will be recognized by President Len Jessup during winter commencement for their combination of academic excellence and service to the community.
Gold music symbol in snow
Arts and Culture |
Songs of winter, Christmas, and Hanukkah will be performed by the 90-voice choir and soloists.
Isack Tenorio
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Commencement speaker Izack Tenorio found his niche in working on public initiatives. Now he sees them as a key tool in helping to ease divisions in the country.
Student arms raised celebrating graduation.
Campus News |
More than 2,000 students from 31 states and 42 foreign countries are eligible to participate in 4 p.m. ceremony.
Presidential Medallion
Campus News |
When commencement calls for full regalia, our president takes the stage in style. Here's how our presidential bling came to be.
Kinney, Kerlin, Kwang
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Neuroscientist Jefferson Kinney, museum director Alisha Kerlin, and engineer professor Kwang Kim win 2017 recognition.
Lied Library
Research |
Researcher shares his findings on the motivations and views of industry players during Dec. 13 event.
Jefferson Kinney working in the lab.
Research |
Neuroscientist Jefferson Kinney's work with Ruvo Center for Brain Health is improving patient care while expanding opportunities for UNLV student learning.
woman with laptop next to sleeping man
Campus News |
Some inspirational words from Rebels who've made it through another fall semester.