group of cheerleaders
Athletics |
UNLV cheerleader graduates as a three-time national champion.
Man practicing yoga
Business and Community |
Rebel Reset aims to ease return-to-office transition.
Michael Daubs headshot
Campus News |
The Optum Dr. Tony and Renee Marlon Endowed Chair at the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV has been awarded to the man who created the state's first orthopaedics residency program.
Haley Pflum
People |
UNLV creates citizens who are well adapted to succeed. Get to know Haley Pflum.
Makayla Franklin
People |
The atmosphere at UNLV is something no one can replicate. Get to know Makayla.
Wyeth smiles candidly on campus.
People |
Future radiologist feels at home at UNLV and in Las Vegas.
Harmony at the top of Hospitality Hall overlooking the Las Vegas skyline.
People |
Marketing major and thrift shopping enthusiast finds the perfect place to meet new people from other cultures and backgrounds.
A woman places a hand on a man's shoulder
Business and Community |
UNLV School of Social Work expert on moving forward after a year of lockdowns and stress.
Hoffman Madzou smiles in a group of students.
People |
UNLV is full of amazing opportunities! Join a group.
Museum exterior
UNLV History |
Marjorie Barrick’s involvement in UNLV and the community went far beyond her time in the classroom. Here's the story of one of our campus' pioneers.
A student smiles against a colorful pink background
People |
Theatre and hospitality major Darian Fluker shares the value of getting an education in our iconic city.
Blanca Pena (left) talks at a table with another student.
People |
Don't compare this criminal justice major — or yourself — to anyone else!