Brett Abarbanel
Campus News |
Longtime research director brings nearly 20 years of advisory and leadership experience in transition to lead role.
Hoover Dam
Campus News |
The problems facing our world and how UNLV helped find solutions.
Members of the Precision Medicine Lab lifting off a manhole cover to study wastewater
Business and Community |
A yearlong collection of headlines featuring community resources, training programs, and partnerships to move Southern Nevada forward.
Ph.D. engineering graduate George William Kajjumba is hooded during the Spring 2022 commencement ceremony
Campus News |
Student achievements including competition wins, a science fellowship first, and new innovations splashed local and national news headlines in 2022.
A laser beam emitting a blue light is projected into a diamond anvil cell
Research |
Groundbreaking discovery was the norm for Rebel researchers in 2022. Here's a selection of our favorite news-making UNLV research highlights from the year. 
gift box ornament on lit Christmas tree
Business and Community |
UNLV, community organizations lead partnership to offer 30 valley drop sites; nearly 18,000 trees recycled into mulch for public amenities in 2021.  
gingerbread replica of parking garage
Campus News |
UNLV Parking and Transportation Services brings new meaning to "sweet parking spot" with its gingerbread contest win.
UNLV History |
Dig deep into UNLV history to see how the moment every student is waiting for has evolved throughout the years, from the first class of 1964 to our most recent grads.
man giving presentation with powerpoint behind him
Campus News |
International student and biological sciences Ph.D. candidate Santiago Bataller places first in Rebel Grad Slam Competition.
student wearing a decorated 2022 graduation cap
Campus News |
Degree earners from 36 states and 40 countries to cross Thomas & Mack Center stage during undergraduate and graduate ceremonies held at 4 p.m. Dec. 19 and 20.
Graduation cap with "22" tassle
People |
Five UNLV graduates will be recognized by President Keith E. Whitfield during winter commencement for their combination of academic excellence and service to the community.  
Senior Design Competition.
Campus News |
Over 30 inventions addressing real-world problems were displayed during the Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering Senior Design Competition.