Chelsea Heinbach standing in the library.
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A librarian and professor, Heinbach teaches students how to find and evaluate information — skills she says will be valuable wherever life takes them.
a close-up of a group of circles
Arts and Culture |
Researchers from the College of Sciences showcase the artistic side of science by featuring their most captivating research images.
Man stands with back to a whiteboard, talking to students
Campus News |
Criminal justice mentorship program helps first-generation students navigate college
Adult and two children work in garden
Business and Community |
Book draws upon the unique archives at UNLV Libraries to document the development of the Las Vegas Community Healing Garden.
A man in a greay suit and a woman in a black jacket stare at each other across a table.
Campus News |
Boyd’s Health Law concentration feeding a high-demand area that will only have more, and more complex needs, as more doctors start to work in the state.
A man in a labcoat is reflected in nearby glass.
Campus News |
Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health neurologist Dr. Jeffrey Cummings joins UNLV to help launch new program that will be crucial for an aging state population.
A professor and a student work to bangage the leg of a second student.
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For UNLV’S Healthcare Interior Design students, a major shift in population will prove the impetus for how architecture will function in the 21st century.
illustration of home with people
Arts and Culture |
Based on the graphic novel by Alison Bechdel, "Fun Home" is a five-time Tony Award-winner.
A group of four U.N.L.V. nursing students work on a manikin at the Clinical Simulation Center of Las Vegas.
Campus News |
A collection of news stories capturing the excitement of UNLV’s campus in June, July and August.
medical school signage
Business and Community |
Arlene Kageyama-Chikami hopes that the donation she made in her and her late husband's names will result in improved medical care and more physicians for Southern Nevada.
A U.N.L.V. student wearing goggles, and one wearing a hat and glasses, stare at materials in a vice.
Research |
On-campus lab testing materials for NASA Artemis Program’s Orion spacecraft.
large ensemble of jazz musicians
Arts and Culture |
Since 2010, UNLV Jazz studies students have won 20 "DownBeat" Magazine Student Music Awards.