Rebecca Gill (Political Science) and her co-authors, Reginald Sheehan and Kirk Randazzo, have just published their new book, Judicialization of Politics: The Interplay of Institutional Structure, Legal Doctrine, and Politics on the High Court of Australia.Their findings suggest that high court judges can be constrained by institutional…
Shannon Monnat (Sociology) recently co-authored a paper with a colleague at Georgetown University Medical Center that will be published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, the fourth highest ranked journal in the field of public health. The paper, "Is There an Association between Maternal Pap Test Use and Adolescent Human Papillomavirus?"…
Tara Emmers-Sommer (Communication Studies) is the co-author, along with Wittenburg University professor Kathleen Warber, of an article, "The Relationships among Sex, Gender and Attachment," which was published in Language and Communication Quarterly.She also served as the keynote speaker for Alpha Delta Pi's Spirit Week recruitment retreat in…
Thomas Leslie (Music) recently was elected president of the American Bandmasters Association (ABA), the nation's most prestigious band association. Founded in 1929 by Edwin Franco Goldman, the ABA elected John Philip Sousa as its first honorary president. Leslie serves as the 76th president of this historical group. Presidency of the ABA is…
Anthony Guy Patricia (English) presented the paper, "Finding Revenge's Cave: The Character of Titus Andronicus," in the Music, Mayhem, and Madness: The Art of Assumed Madness in Titus Andronicus panel session of the 2012 Wooden O Symposium at the Utah Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City in August.
Gary Pullman (English) published a short story, "It's a Wonderful Life," in the spring edition of the peer-reviewed periodical, Word River Literary Review.
David Schmoeller (Film) received a Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in World Cinema. The event took place at the Fantaspoa Film Festival in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the largest genre film festival in South America, and featured the world premiere of his 10th feature film Little Monsters (2012). The film was shot on location in Las Vegas…
Joel Snyder (Psychology) and Melissa Gregg (Psychology) were awarded a grant from the Army Research Office to perform studies on "Perceptual and Neural Mechanisms of Auditory Change Detection." A paper related to the award was published in the journal Neuroimage. It was titled, "Enhanced Sensory Processing Accompanies Successful Detection of…
An-Pyng Sun (Social Work) published a peer-reviewed article, "Helping Homeless Individuals with Co-Occurring Disorders: The Four Components," in Social Work, a premium journal in the social work field. She also wrote a chapter, "Gender, Substance Use, and Substance Use Disorders," for Chemical Dependency: A Systems Approach (2012). Additionally…

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