Ruben Garcia (Law) helped organize and lead the 2014 Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Biennial Teaching Conference at the Boyd School of Law in October in his capacity as co-president of the organization. The conference drew more than 200 participants from law schools throughout the country to discuss innovative methods of teaching about…
UNLV Collegiate DECA Members recently received several awards at the Utah Collegiate DECA's annual Fall Leadership Conference (FLC). Collegiate DECA is a career and technical student organization formerly known as the Distributive Education Clubs of America. Among those receiving awards at the FLC were: Daniel Dinev (Accounting/Global…
Anthony LaBounty (Music) made his compositional debut at Carnegie Hall on Nov. 25 with the world premiere of "Psalm 92," an original work for wind symphony commissioned by Travis Pardee, director of the Foothill Wind Symphony.
UNLV Opera was named a finalist in the National Opera Association Collegiate Opera Scenes Competition, which takes place in Greensboro, N.C., in January. UNLV Opera is a finalist in both the graduate and musical theatre divisions.
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) presented "'Let Us Plan Your Happily Ever After': Disney's Princess Brides in the Wedding Utopia" at the Midwest Popular and American Culture Association's annual conference in Indianapolis. This research explores the implications of Disney's fairy tale weddings and the place of the "princess bride" in a post…
Aurore Giguet (Marjorie Barrick Museum) recently was elected to the Nevada Museums Association's Board of Directors.
Linda Lister (Music) is the 2014 winner of The American Prize in Directing, for Sancta Susanna and Suor Angelica. She was selected from applications reviewed this summer from across the United States. The American Prize is a series of new, non-profit competitions unique in scope and structure, designed to recognize and reward the best performing…
Timothy Erwin (English) was asked to serve on a British literature evaluation panel this summer at the National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C., and later spoke at the triennial meeting of the International Association for Word and Image Studies hosted by the Scottish Word and Image Group at the University of Dundee, Scotland. He…
Maurice Finocchiaro (Philosophy) has just published his fourteenth book, The Trial of Galileo: Essential Documents (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 2014). It is a collection of the most important writings leading to the 1633 Inquisition's condemnation of Galileo, who was suspected of heresy for defending Copernicus's…

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