Connie Mobley (Dental) co-authored “Association between Sugar Intake, Oral Health, and the Impact on Overall Health: Raising Public Awareness,” which examined evidence about how sugar can contribute to oral health disease and oral-systemic complications. The article appeared online July 10.
James Croft and Balakrishnan Naduvalath (Chemistry and Biochemistry) and a team of researchers recently published a paper, "Universality and Chaoticity in Ultracold K + KRb Chemical Reactions," in the journal Nature Communications. The team performed the first-ever quantum-mechanical simulation of the benchmark ultracold chemical reaction between…
Dr. Katherine Howard and Dr. Karl Kingsley (both Dental) co-authored "Selenomonas Noxia Screening Among Pediatric Patient Samples: A Pilot Study", which appears in the current issue of the Journal of Oral Health and Dental Care.
Dr. Christina Demopoulos (Dental) co-authored “Estimating the Cost of School Sealant Programs with Minimal Data,” which successfully explored and demonstrated a method for calculating annual expenditures for sealant programs. The Journal of Public Health Dentistry published the article in its July issue.
Catherine "Cassy" Turner, Arnold Huang, Ali Ross, Kesley Taelor, and Geneva Winters (all Physical Therapy), with assistance from Dolly Kelepecz-Momot (Dance), co-authored “Investigation of the Cardiovascular Endurance of College Dancers,” which compared cardiovascular endurance before and after a fitness and exercise education session, and…
Donovan Conley (Communication Studies), Janet Dufek (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and Jennifer Rennels (Psychology) have been named Graduate Faculty Fellows for the 2017-18 academic year. The Graduate Faculty Fellows Program allows UNLV faculty and the Graduate College to work together on projects each academic year. The program…
James Hyman (Psychology) is the co-author—along with Clay Holroyd of the University of Victoria in Canada and Jeremy Seamans of the University of British Columbia in Canada—of an article, "A Novel Neural Prediction Error Found in Anterior Cingulate Cortex Ensembles" that was published this week in Neuron. When unexpected events occur, a feedback-…
The Academic Assessment Website (Academic Assessment) has been selected by the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) as the featured website for July. The NILOA featured website is a service intended to point others to promising practices in innovative and transparent online communication of student learning…
Mark Lenker (University Libraries) contributed “Information in the Indignation Age” to ACRLog, the blog for the Association of College and Research Libraries. The post discusses the increasingly indignant tone of political discourse and suggests ways higher education can respond.

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