Ranita Ray (Sociology) published her paper "Identity of Distance: How Economically Marginalized Black and Latina Women Navigate Risk Discourse and Employ Feminist Ideals" in one of the premier sociology journals, Social Problems. She is the author of the forthcoming University of California Press book The Making of a Teenage Service Class: Poverty…
Louie Puentedura (Physical Therapy) presented during the two-day Therapeutic Neuroscience Education conference in Santiago, Chile. During the conference, he received honorary member status in the International Federation of Orthopedic Manual Physics Therapists’ Regional Interest Group.
Jay Tan (Nursing) received the Outstanding Alumnus Award from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions in Provo, Utah.
Linda Lister (Music) presented a lecture at the 2017 International Congress of Voice Teachers in Stockholm, Sweden, earlier this month. Titled "Sizeism and Singing: Obesity and Anorexia from Opera to Pop," her lecture examined views on high and low weight through discussion of the issues faced by singers like Deborah Voigt, Jessye Norman, Maria…
Robert Futrell (Sociology) was interviewed by FOX 5 Las Vegas about domestic hate groups and also was interviewed by Las Vegas News Now. He is the co-author of American Swastika: Inside the White Power Movement's Hidden Spaces of Hate.  
Dr Erica Stockwell (Business), an MBA student and a graduate of Nevada's only accredited fellowship program in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, recently had two abstracts accepted for presentation at the upcoming 46th AAGL Global Congress of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. This annual scientific meeting is the premier scientific meeting…
Julian Kilker (Journalism and Media Studies) was invited to present at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) photography group in Geneva, Switzerland, in July on collaborative efforts to document and protect public lands, including Nevada's Basin and Range and Gold Butte national monuments.
Julia Freedman Silvernail (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) presented "Coordination Variability in Older Runners" during the American Society of Biomechanics annual meeting. Results of her study, which were featured during the meeting’s “Touch of Grey: The Aging Runner” symposium, suggest the act of running may be protecting older runners…
Jason Richards (Chemistry and Biochemistry), a doctoral student in the radiochemistry program, was awarded a first-place prize in the 2017 Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Awards sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's office of nuclear technology R&D. His award is in the open competition in the category of nuclear…

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