Benjamin Edwards (Law) recently published an op-ed in The Hill on the need to make more information available for immigrants. The op-ed is based on his article, "The Professional Prospectus," which was published in the Washington and Lee Law Review.
Judd Harbin (Campus Life Assessment) received the 2017 Campus Labs Champion Award for bringing people and departments together to advance assessment in Student Affairs, and for aligning those efforts with institutional goals and outcomes.
William R. Speer (Education, Teaching & Learning) was awarded the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The award is presented for achievement in leadership, teaching, and service.Speer will be recognized during the 2018 NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, D.C., in…
Dr. David Glenn Weismiller (Family and Community Medicine) spoke at the first Emirates Family Medicine Society Scientific Conference held Jan. 11-13 in Dubai. The conference was jointly sponsored by the Emirates Family Medicine Society and Emirates Medical Association. The conference represented a joint collaboration with the American Academy of…
Denise Tillery (English) associate dean of students in the College of Liberal Arts, published the book, Commonplaces of Scientific Evidence in Environmental Discourses (Routledge, 2017). The book examines the uses of scientific evidence within three types of environmental writing and media contexts. Tillery traces writers' patterns, or…
Robert Randolph (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) recently published an article in Long Range Planning titled “Entrenchment in publicly traded family firms: Evidence from the S&P 500.” The study, co-authored with faculty at University of North Carolina, explores the presence of familial entrenchment mechanisms in publicly traded…
Cassaundra Rodriguez (Sociology) has been awarded a Pop-Up Research and Scholarship grant from the University of Michigan’s National Center for Institutional Diversity for her work on Latino spatial microaggressions. 
Soumya Upadhyay, (Healthcare Administration and Policy) recently published an article in the Journal of Hospital Administration titled "An environmental analysis of the evolution of readmission reduction strategies: A study of United States hospitals." Against the background of high readmission rates at hospitals, which may also lead to…
Andrew Thomas Reyes, Hyunhwa “Henna” Lee (Nursing), Christopher Kearney (Psychology) along with former undergraduate students Katrina Isla (Nursing) and Jonica Estrada (Life Sciences) co-authored “Interventions for Posttraumatic Stress with Resilience as Outcome: An Integrative Review,” which appeared in the January issue of Issues in Mental…

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