Kate Hausbeck Korgan (Graduate College) just completed her term as president of the Western Association of Graduate Schools (WAGS) and now serves as past-president, which involves serving on the Council of Graduate Schools Board. The primary purpose of WAGS is to facilitate professional networking and provide an arena for accredited institutions…
Barb Brents (Sociology) was interviewed on Air Talk, hosted by Larry Mantle on KPCC in Los Angeles. The segment was titled "Controversial Classifieds Website Backpage.com Is Now under Government Seizure, but for What Reason and on What Grounds?"
Frank Cucinotta (Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences) received the Radiation Research Society’s Failla Award, which recognizes his history of significant contributions to radiation research. The annual award will be presented during the society’s yearly meeting in September.
Lung-Chang Chien and Ge Lin Kan (both Environmental and Occupational Health) co-authored "Disparity of Imputed Data from Small Area Estimate Approaches – A Case Study on Diabetes Prevalence at the County Level in the U.S." to assess concordance and inconsistency among three small area estimation methods — multi-level logistic regression, spatial…
Jichun Li (Math) and collaborators published a paper "Mathematical Analysis and Finite Element Time Domain Simulation of Arbitrary Star-Shaped Electromagnetic Cloaks" in the top-tier journal SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis in January. In March, he published a paper "Regularity Analysis of Metamaterial Maxwell’s Equations with Random…
Jacob Thompson (Communication Studies) was awarded The George Ziegelmueller Coaching Excellence Award by the Board of Trustees of the National Debate Tournament at this year's national championship tournament for policy debate. He is the director of UNLV's top-five nationally ranked debate team, the Sanford I. Berman Debate Forum. The award…
Dr. Robin Reinke (Dental) completed the American Dental Education Association Leadership Institute, becoming a fellow of the 2018 graduating class. The institute supports the nation’s most promising individuals at academic institutions in becoming leaders in dental and higher education. Prospective fellows are selected from a competitive pool of…
Szu-Ping Lee, along with students Vincent Dinglasan, Anthony Duong, and Russell Totten (all Physical Therapy) co-authored “Individuals with Recurrent Low Back Pain Exhibit Reduced Paraspinal Muscle Strength after Intramuscular Fine-wire EMG Electrode Insertion to Lumbar Multifidus.” Professor Lee also co-authored with students Tyler Chin, Heather…
Kelly Ai-Sun Tseng (Life Sciences) was awarded a $224,250 grant from the Nevada INBRE: IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence funded by the National Institutes of Health. Her research project "Building a Molecular Blueprint for Productive Eye Repair" aims to identify genes and signals that induce eye regeneration. Research…

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