Stephen Caplan (Music) wrote an article “Promising Research,” which has been published in the most recent edition of The Double Reed. This is the first article of a new recurring column, “Health Matters,” that Dr. Caplan will be contributing to the journal, which explores health issues relevant to double reed players. The Double Reed…
Su Kim Chung, Marina Georgieva, Sarah Jones, Emily Lapworth, and Cyndi Shein (all Libraries) presented at the joint conference of the Society of Southwest Archivists and the Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists. Chung, head of special collections and archives public services, presented with colleagues from…
Cass Shum, Ankita Ghosh, and Anthony Gatling (all Hospitality) recently published their manuscript "Prosocial Rule-breaking to Help Coworker: Nature, Causes, and Effect on Service Performance" in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. In the manuscript they showed that prosocial rule-breaking behavior with a motive to help coworkers…
David G. Schwartz (Faculty Affairs) presented, via video, a keynote address at the Eighth International Conference on Language and Literary Studies: Language, Literature, Play, and Games, in Belgrad Serbia. Sponsored by the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Alfa BK University, the conference included international scholars presenting on topics ranging…
Rebecca Gill (Political Science and the Women's Research Institute of Nevada) and Kate Eugenis ,'17 PhD Political Science, have published their article "Do Voters Prefer Women Judges? Deconstructing the Competitive Advantage in State Supreme Court Elections" in State Politics & Policy Quarterly. In this article, the authors find that…
Erika G. Abad (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) conducted an interview of Vida actors Mishel Prada and Ser Anzoztegui during a panel titled "Vida: Family, Love, & Identity," which now has been published on ClexaCon's YouTube channel. The interview took place during ClexaCon 2019.
Balakrishnan Naduvalath (Chemistry & Biochemistry) is part a research team that received the coveted Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) award from the Department of Defense, Army Research Office. The interdisciplinary team from multiple institutions (Harvard; Stanford; University of Colorado Boulder;…
Elizabeth Stacy and Donald Price (both Life Sciences), along with two former graduate students from the Stacy lab, have a paper in press, "Varieties of the Highly Dispersible and Hypervariable Tree, Metrosideros polymorpha, Differ in Response to Mechanical Stress and Light Across a Sharp Ecotone" in the American Journal of Botany. This study…
Cyrus Ford (Libraries) presented "Increasing Discoverability, Access, and Circulation of Objects (Equipment and Realia) in Libraries" during the Northern California Technical Processes Group annual meeting earlier this month.

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