Nick MacMurray and Robert Futrell (both Sociology) recently published "Ecological Death Reform and Death System Change" in Omega: Journal of Death and Dying. They explain how ecologically-minded spiritualists, designers, scientists, and entrepreneurs link past traditions with new technologies to develop more environmentally-sensitive and…
Shane W. Kraus (Psychology) and John A. Sturgeon of the University of Washington Medical Center published a commentary, “Resilience in Women’s Sexual Pain After Female Genital Cutting: Adaptation Across Time and Personal and Cultural Context," in Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Jee Woong Park (Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction) and his doctoral students, Sayan Sakhakarmi and Cristian Arteaga, published a journal paper, "Automated Scaffolding Safety Analysis Strain Feature Investigation Using Support Vector Machines," in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.  
Rebecca Gill (Political Science) and her colleagues, Nadia Brown (Purdue), Libby Sharrow (UMASS), Stella Rouse (U of Maryland), and the #MeTooPoliSci Collective, have been given the the 2019 Jane Mansbridge Award for service to women in the discipline of political science by the Women's Caucus for Political Science.
Cassaundra Rodriguez (Sociology)  was quoted in an article in USA Today  titled "Endless Fear: Undocumented Immigrants Grapple with Anxiety, Depression Under Trump."
Mark Buttner and Patricia Cruz (both Environmental and Occupational Health) received a 10-month, $1 million award through the Nevada department of health and human services to conduct molecular microbiological environmental monitoring.
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) has published the single-author article "The Myth of Polarization among Taiwanese Voters: The Missing Middle" on Journal of East Asian Studies. This article analyzes the history and current development of the political polarization in Taiwan, and the importance of non-partisans to understanding Taiwan…
Barb Brents (Sociology) co-authored the article "EXPOsing Men’s Gender Role Attitudes as Porn Superfans," which recently was published in Sociological Forum. The authors found that pornography fans were no less supportive of gender equality than the population as a whole and actually more supportive on a couple of questions. The results are…
Janis McKay (Music) performed as principal bassoonist for the Classical Music Festival in Eisenstadt, Austria. A gala concert featuring the Mozart "Requiem" and Haydn's "Symphony No. 104" was held in the Schloss Esterhazy, where the composer Haydn lived and worked for much of his career. Performances of Haydn's "Harmonie Mass" were given in…

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