Karyn Holt (Nursing) presented her paper,"Assessing Faculty Development: Exceeds, Meets or Does not Yet Meet Standards," at the Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning Assessment, which took place in Philadelphia this month. Holt's main takeaway point was the importance of faculty education and training at faculty-convenient times to…
Drs. Shawna Kleban, Joshua J. Goldman, and Richard C. Baynosa (all Medicine) have written a book chapter, “Robotic Rectus Muscle Flap for Reconstruction in the Pelvis,” which appears in the new book, Advanced Techniques in Minimally Invasive and Robotic Colorectal Surgery. Baynosa is one of the pioneers in this technique and the innovative…
Art Gelis (Chemistry and Biochemistry) recently was published in Scientific Reports. His article, "Closing the Nuclear Fuel Cycle with a Simplified Minor Actinide Lanthanide Separation Process (ALSEP) and Additive Manufacturing," discusses his newly patented approach to the long-time technical challenge of recycling long-lived actinide isotopes…
Ashley Schobert (Law and Brookings Mountain West) recently co-wrote an op-ed for the Brookings Institution with Brookings Senior Fellow Richard Reeves. The piece, "Tucker Carlson Has a Point: Middle Class Families Rely More than Ever on Women’s Wages," discusses how although women are working more and keeping middle class families economically…
Soumya Upadhyay (Healthcare Administration and Policy) recently presented a research paper, "Hospital Cultural Competency and Financial Performance," at the European Academy of Management, non-profit division. An organization’s cultural competency is an ongoing capacity to provide high-quality, equitable, safe, and patient-centered care for…
Yuri Graves (Police Services) recently was elected president for Region IX of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM). The region includes Nevada, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and the Pacific Trust Territories, including American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. He will take the oath of office at the annual IAEM…
Javon Johnson (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) is the 2019 recipient of the Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies awarded by the National Communication Association (NCA). The award is given annually for outstanding published research and creative scholarship in interpretation and…
Yong Li (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) and Ilan Vertinsky of the University of British Columbia were awarded an Insight Grant of $74,582 (Canadian dollars) for 2019-22 by the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada,  an organization similar to the National Science Foundation, with a focus on social sciences. The grant…
David G. Schwartz (Faculty Affairs) presented a talk, "Jay Sarno's Wild Ride" as part of the Clark County Library's Las Vegas Stories series. The event attracted a number of notable figures, including associates and relatives of Mr. Sarno, who was the subject of Schwartz's 2013 biography Grandissimo: The First Emperor of Las Vegas.

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