Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) led researchers Dustin Davis (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences), Rickelle Tallent, Anthony Salazar, and James Navalta (all Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), in publishing a clinical report on the role of dietary cocoa powder in reducing postprandial (after meal) levels of very low density…
Peter Gray and Alex Straftis (both Anthropology), along with UNLV alum Timothy McHale, '17 PhD Anthropology, and other colleagues, published a review paper on human reproductive behavior, life history, and testosterone as part of a 30-year anniversary special issue in the journal Hormones and Behavior devoted to the "Challenge Hypothesis."…
Tarryn McGhie (Nursing) and UNLV alum Rebekah Piper, '07 BS Education, '09 Master of Education, '15 PhD Education, now of Texas A&M University-San Antonio, have published a chapter titled "Family Discussions of Race Impacting Children's PK-12 Schooling." This chapter was the result of a dual study in which discussions of race and literacy were…
Emily Budd (Art) is included in Stone Fruit Magazine: Issue 3, a zine on queerness and religion, centered on the theme of sanctuary. Stone Fruit is a submission-based zine centered on queer people's experiences with organized religion, faith, and spirituality. The goal of the publication is to present works that address issues with nuance, and…
Jason Flatt (Environmental and Occupational Health) recently was awarded a 2020 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Sexual & Gender Minority (SGM) Early Stage Investigator Award for his research contributions to improving the health of sexual and gender minorities or individuals who identify as LGBTQI+. His NIH-funded research…
Karl Kingsley, Jason Emett, Roxanne David, Jaydene McDaniel, and Steven McDaniel (all Dental) published their work on oral microbiology in the latest issue of MDPI Methods and Protocols. Both McDaniels will complete graduate certifications in pediatric dentistry in 2021. Emett and David are both dental students who are…
Mary Blankenship (Chemistry and Economics) co-authored "How Misinformation Spreads on Twitter" with Carol Graham, Brookings Institution Leo Pasvolsky Senior Fellow. The pair discuss that while social media has many advantages, information pollution is prevalent and in some cases "generate[s] more engagement than factually reliable…
Ann M. Vuong (Environmental & Occupational Health) published an article on "Chemical Mixtures and Neurobehavior: A Review of Epidemiologic Findings and Future Directions" in the journal Reviews of Environmental Health. This study provides a summary of epidemiological studies that have analyzed chemical mixtures of heavy metals…
Alyssa Crittenden (Anthropology) was interviewed for a recent episode of The Food Programme on the BBC about the significance of wild meat to many Indigenous and global food systems. The story, called "Why Eat Wild Meat?" explores legal and illegal global trade in wild meat after links have been made between the COVID-19 pandemic and wild…

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