Kevin Wright (Student Diversity & Social Justice) collaborated with Presence, a campus engagement platform for institutions that insist on providing world-class student opportunities to learn and succeed, to publish a piece on the foundations of serving college students who are experiencing homelessness. The title of the piece is "More…
Nerses Kopalyan and Jeremy Bowling (both Political Science) published "Review of CFR College and University Educators Workshop" in the Journal of Political Science Education. The article reviews the Council on Foreign Relations 2019 College and University Educators workshop, with selective comparisons to the same workshop organized in…
Joanne Goodwin (History) had a recent article, "Nevada's Campaigns for Woman Suffrage," published in the journal Western Legal History: The Journal of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society.  The article is included in a special issue on woman suffrage in the West. The western states were the first in the country to end…
Rebecca Gill (Political Science) and Kate Eugenis, '17 PhD Political Science, have published in the London School of Economics American Politics and Policy blog. In their essay, they discuss the findings of their recent article "Do Voters Prefer Women Judges? Deconstructing the Competitive Advantage in State Supreme Court Elections," which…
Karen E. Callahan (Environmental and Occupational Health) was invited to be a speaker at the Cancer Control in Nevada event at Roseman University earlier this month. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, the event promoted innovation, research, and clinical trials in the state. Callahan gave a presentation on colorectal cancer in…
Paula Frew (Environmental and Occupational Health), along with researchers from Atlanta, recently published an article, "Typologies of Decision-Makers in the ICU: A Qualitative Study of Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Sepsis and Their Surrogates." The article presents the results of 42 semi-structured interviews…
Emma Frances Bloomfield (Communication Studies) published two essays in August. The first article is "The Rhetoric of Energy Darwinism: Neoliberal Piety and Market Autonomy in Economic Discourse" in Rhetoric Society Quarterly, which addresses the role of metaphors in disrupting our understanding of energy and the environment. The second…
Daniel Chi (Finance) and his co-authors, Manu Gupta (Virginia Commonwealth University) and Shane A. Johnson (Texas A&M University), recently had a paper, “Short-Horizon Incentives and Stock Price Inflation,”  accepted for publication by the Journal of Corporate Finance. This publication is considered to be an "A" journal in…
Beth Mehocic (Dance) has the honor of having two compositions selected by Parma Recordings to be considered for the 62nd annual Grammy awards in four categories. Her work, Left of Winter for Orchestra has been selected to be considered for Best Orchestral Performance of 2019, performed the the Janecek Philharmonic, and her…

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