Paula Frew (Environmental and Occupational Health), along with researchers from Atlanta, recently published an article, "Typologies of Decision-Makers in the ICU: A Qualitative Study of Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Sepsis and Their Surrogates." The article presents the results of 42 semi-structured interviews conducted with patients and their surrogates. Interviews were analyzed using grounded theory and the constant comparative method. Four typologies of decision-making were identified:
- Timers — determined decisions based on the length of time on life support
- Natural livers — rejected interventions using a "machine"
- Deferrers — relied on the physician for decision-making and prognosis
- Believers — relied on a higher power for guidance in decision-making.
The typologies identified need validation in a prospective observational trial and, if validated, they may allow for better clinician communication.