Seong-min Park and Heather Monaghan (both Criminal Justice) recently published an article, "Understanding the Effects of Perpetrators’ Aggressiveness and Victim-Related Factors on Sexual Revictimization: Stepwise GLM Analysis of the 2010 NISVS" in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Through analyzing the National Intimate Partner and Sexual…
Lauren Paljusaj (English) and Anne Savage (Art) have been jointly awarded the University Libraries Lance & Elena Calvert prize for "Intimate Nevada," their research in photography in the UNLV Special Collections. This research reflected on concepts of the vernacular and the everyday in Southern Nevada. Mentors in Special Collections…
M. Eve Hanan (Law) published "Incapacitating Errors: Sentencing and the Science of Change" in the Denver Law Review. The article argues that long prison sentences designed to protect public safety often run counter to evidence gleaned from neuroscientific and psychological literature demonstrating that adult behavior changes…
The Graduate College is pleased to announce its 2019-20 award winners.  UNLV Graduate College Outstanding Thesis & Dissertation Awards Each year the Graduate College presents four awards for outstanding theses and dissertations (within each category, one for STEM and one for non-STEM). This year’s winners are: Outstanding Thesis (STEM…
Dr. David Cappelli (Dental) accepted to serve as director-elect for the American Board of Dental Public Health, which certifies candidates for diplomate status, and is to receive the President’s Award from the American Association of Public Health Dentistry for his contribution to dental public health education. 
Cyndi Shein, Sarah Jones, Tammi Kim and Karla Irwin (all Special Collections and Archives) recently published a paper in the Journal of Western Archives. "Balancing the Art and Science of Archival Processing Metrics and Assessment" demonstrates how metrics are used to support value propositions, project proposals, project management, and…
Amy Tureen and Starr Hoffman (Libraries) are co-authors on an article, "Virtual Cohorts: Peer Support and Problem-solving at a Distance," published in College & Research Libraries News. The article was co-authored with Erick Lemon, Medical University of South Carolina Libraries; Joyce Martin, Arizona State University…
Natalie Johns (Biochemistry) was recognized for an abstract that she submitted to the American Society of Radiation Oncologists (ASTRO). A senior, Johns was selected to present her work, "Comics for Pediatric Oncology Patients & Families: Education & Empowerment," at the annual meeting in October in Miami. The abstract…
Nicole Hudson (Online Education) facilitated the discussion, "Best Practices to Start a Movement - New leader - New Initiatives," at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) virtual conference, OLC Ideate. This discussion highlighted the efforts of partnership at UNLV and specifically the office of online education, community of practice, which…

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