About Our Program

The fully accredited doctor of medicine (MD) program at the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV is rooted in relationships, between faculty and students, physicians and patients, school and community. The basic mission is simple: to educate physicians who will improve the health of Nevadans. On a deeper level, this means recruiting a diverse and talented student body that reflects the community it will one day serve.

The four-year experience is divided into three phases of study - foundations, clerkships, and career exploration - and approaches training and education in a way that will provide graduates with the comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary to meet the ever-changing needs of patients. Our curriculum also helps students navigate new technologies and advancements in medicine. We focus on small-group learning while having a highly dedicated administration, faculty, and staff that focus on continuous improvement and provide comprehensive student support.

What Makes Us Distinctive

Immersion and Public Health

Students begin their studies immersed in the community by going through emergency response training and studying population health. Students become proficient in how to respond to basic emergencies, while learning about the communities they will serve. They also gain interprofessional experiences with first-responders.

Community Service

Service learning is rooted in the school's mission. Cohort-based learning communities perform service hours at some of Las Vegas' largest non-profit organizations and also spend time volunteering at the UNLV Community Clinic in collaboration with Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada (VMSN). Accompanying curriculum also looks at disparities and current topics in healthcare systems in order to provide for patients, especially those in underserved areas.

Basic Science Foundations & Problem-Based Learning

Phase I studies take students through the organ system blocks while integrating self-directed and lifelong learning techniques. Application of the basic sciences is complemented by problem-based and team-based learning where small groups of students undertake an intensive exploration of patient cases that simulate the real-life processes of being a physician on a healthcare team.

Anatomical Education

The virtual anatomy lab and an on-site cadaver lab provide integrated anatomical education. Prosection during Phase I and dissection during Phases II and III enhance basic science and clinical study. Students also have access to plastinated specimens of the human body.

Simulation Training

In Phase I, students participate in simulated training by going through high-fidelity simulator exercises and standardized patient (actor) scenarios. These experiences provide a strong foundation prior to students going into clerkships and specialty electives. Additional skills labs are also conducted in Phase II and III to complement clinical education.

Clinical Training

Students spend dedicated blocks of time rotating in six core specialties (internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, and psychiatry) at our teaching hospitals during the Phase II clerkship phase. Training is led by faculty physicians and residents. Students can then continue their clinical training by doing specialty electives locally and nationwide through the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) program in Phase III.

Testing and Academic Standards

Students' levels of knowledge, skill, and aptitude are measured using National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) question banks and United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) resources and programs. Our dedicated academic support office works with students to prepare them for school and national exam milestones, such as Step 1 and Step 2, while also helping students build individualized study plans and identify the best study resources.


The fundamentals of research and scientific inquiry are taught in Phase I and students can utilize school resources to self-advance their interests in clinical, community, or bench research. Support is also available for regional and national presentation opportunities or to publish. Each year the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine also hosts a research symposium.

Additional Study Areas

Threaded throughout the program are specialty studies such as: physicianship, professionalism, ethics, nutrition, integrative medicine, well-being, epidemiology, bioethics, legal issues in medicine, medical tourism, and rural medicine.

School Highlights

Summary of our Training Phases

School of Medicine 3rd Annual Pre-Medicine Conference
Applicant interview sign in front of the School of Medicine offices at the Shadow Lane Campus
Students taking their oath and receiving their first white coat and stethoscope in the White Coat Ceremony
Medical students at the Shadow Lane Campus
Class of 2023 medical student celebrating Match Day
Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine Class of 2022 graduate students