Hungry Forever

Though reducing belly fat or rather abdominal obesity can help prevent many a health risks that it comes with, a fancy diet is not the way to go about it say health experts from Wolters Kluwer Health. “There is still no miracle diet, food, nutrient, or bioactive component that will target abdominal fat,” writes Kari D. Pilolla, PhD, RDN, of the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo according to Science Daily.


Reducing the waist circumference with abdominal obesity can reduce health risks, but despite the statements on the Internet, not a single trending diet can help get rid of belly fat specifically.

Science Daily

"There is still no miracle diet, food, nutrient, or bioactive component that will target abdominal fat," writes Kari D. Pilolla, PhD, RDN, of the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. But a heart-healthy diet high in fiber and low in saturated fats is a great way to prevent and reduce abdominal obesity, according to the article, part of a special theme issue of ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, focusing on Nutrition.

Runner's World

“The bleachers are on your right. The white line’s up ahead. Keep pushing!” Jennifer Conroyd calls out to me and the 30 or so other runners she’s coaching through an interval workout. We finish our hard effort, finally easing up when Conroyd prompts, “jog it out!”

Las Vegas Sun

Whether you’ve lived here for 10 years or are just passing through, you know Las Vegas gets hot—triple-digit-degrees-for-weeks hot. If you’re new here, you might not know how important it is to stay hydrated during summer and how easy it is to become dehydrated under the scorching desert sun. Samantha Coogan, director of the didactic program in nutrition and dietetics at UNLV, shares the best ways to stay cool, hydrated and healthy.


Those who have lived in Las Vegas long enough know the drill during the extreme heat of the summer: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Weight Watchers Canada

Whether you’re a running veteran or new to the game, having a solid pair of shoes is crucial to a successful and enjoyable workout.


Don't lose your focus—or should you? Coaches, personal trainers, and our own brains tell us we can improve workout form if we just focus. Put enough mind power behind a burning muscle or agile movement and our technique should improve. Or to use the common saying, put mind over matter.


You don't have to feel guilty if you don't have the time to pack elaborate lunch boxes for your children.

Health News Digest

Lunch — a favorite subject for school kids and often a pleasant where-should-we-go dilemma for adults. Whether you’re a parent filling your child’s lunchbox, or a university student on a budget, UNLV instructor and registered dietitian nutritionist Samantha Coogan has tips for keeping that midday meal nutritious, delicious, and affordable.

News Medical

Lunch - a favorite subject for school kids and often a pleasant where-should-we-go dilemma for adults. Whether you're a parent filling your child's lunchbox, or a university student on a budget, UNLV instructor and registered dietitian nutritionist Samantha Coogan has tips for keeping that midday meal nutritious, delicious, and affordable.

News Medical

Lunch - a favorite subject for school kids and often a pleasant where-should-we-go dilemma for adults.