Adriana Burnett headshot

Film department administrative assistant Adriana Burnett recently was named President's Classified Rookie of the Year. Read about what brought her to UNLV and what she has contributed during her first year on campus.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Part one of Neil Simon’s autobiographical trilogy, Brighton Beach Memoirs, was a Broadway hit in 1983 and again in 2009.
Jonathon Anderson

The new architecture professor on Ducatis, desert living, and ignoring the boundaries between art and design.

Pirro Dollani

Administrative assistant Sandy O’Brien recently was named as the second-place President’s Classified Employee of the Year. Read about her uncommon commitment to her department and its students.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
The extraordinary folk music that inspired Liszt, Bartok, and Kodaly is performed by both the Folk Orchestra and the world-famous Gypsy Orchestra.
Pirro Dollani poses in a library

Administrative assistant Pirro Dollani recently was named President’s Classified Employee of the Year. Read about what he contributed to UNLV even while facing the challenge of a lifetime.

Michael D. Eisner headshot

Eisner, business and entertainment Leader, will discuss the nature of leadership and success.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
It will feature the UNLV Alumni Jazz Band, UNLV Jazz Ensemble I, and special guest Dennis Mackrel.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
New series will screen award-winning, indie feature films every two weeks at the Galaxy Luxury+ Theaters.
Art piece

"A New Sculpturalism: Contemporary Architecture from Southern California" runs through Sept. 16.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Four distinct series comprise the season: the acclaimed Charles Vanda Master Series, the Allegro Guitar Series at UNLV, the UNLV Performing Arts Center Series, and the UNLV Chamber Music Series, co-produced with the UNLV Department of Music.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner

Four-year term runs through June 30, 2017.