Class Staff Awards

Get Involved

No matter your interest, you'll find everything you need to know about how get involved at UNLV. Attend a leadership program. Go on an outdoor
adventure trip. Volunteer. Donate. Share your culture and learn about others through innovative programming. So, what are you waiting for? Get involved!

Interested in Classified Staff Council

Wondering what the Classified Staff Council does and just want to see for yourself? Please contact the Council at

We are a group of UNLV classified employees that meet to discuss matters relating to the quality of their employment at UNLV. Each council member represents a portion of the Classified employees at UNLV. Together we are the voice of the classified staff.


So you’ve joined the Council, now what? As a representative, you are responsible to:

  • Regularly attend Council and committee meetings, other campus functions/events, and conduct Council business.
  • Advise the council if you are unable to attend and arrange for a reliable proxy from your area.
  • Keep your constituents informed of the activities of the Council.
  • Listen to your constituents about current issues, needs, and concerns, in order to better represent them as a whole.
  • Act and vote in the best interest of the constituents you represent.
  • Serve on at least one committee per year as the need arises in Council.
  • Preserve and pass on information to aid to both existing and new representatives.

Social Justice Speaker Series

These online events are presented by the Classified Staff Council and is part of a Spring 2021 speaker series focusing on folks who are making a difference in Nevada.

UNLV Classified Staff Council Presents - Social Justice Speaker Series, Nevadans Dedicated to Social Justice

Lauren A. Pena, Esq., Directing Attorney

Our first series speaker was January 13, 2021 featuring Lauren A. Pena, Esq., Directing Attorney, Civil Law Self Help Center 

Lauren A. Pena, Esq., Directing Attorney

Rosalind “Roz” Brooks, founder of Vegas Roots Community Garden

Our second series speaker was March 2, 2021 featuring Rosalind “Roz” Brooks, founder of Vegas Roots Community Garden, and creator of Well Women of Color


Rosalind “Roz” Brooks

Minister Stretch Sanders, New Era Las Vegas

Our third series speaker was April 13, 021 featuring Minister Stretch Sanders; a 26-year-old Husband, Minister, Community Organizer, and Author. Minister Stretch also serves as the President of The Stretch For Change Foundation and New Era Las Vegas. Minister Stretch Sanders has been organizing in the Las Vegas community since June 2014

Minister Stretch Sanders, New Era Las Vegas


UNLV offers several ways to give back to the community. All of the projects are open to UNLV students, faculty, and staff.

UNLV Cares Food Pantry "The 'Stache Gives Back"

The year-round pantry, open to all students, classified staff, faculty, and professional staff, currently provides non-perishable items to more than 150 persons every two weeks.

"Ask Me" Booths

Faculty and staff participation is vital to UNLV's student orientation and welcome program. If you need more information, please contact Admissions at

Support Our Mission by Helping Students

  • Find their way around campus by staffing an "Ask Me" booth
  • Investigate their educational opportunities
  • Understand our unique campus culture and diversity
  • Engage in positive and rewarding experiences with faculty, staff, and their peers
  • Find appropriate assistance and resources for their individual needs
  • Share their university experiences with friends and family
  • Support REBEL Events
  • Support REBEL Athletics

Office of Student Diversity Programs

The Office of Student Diversity Programs serves as a resource for students, staff, faculty, and community members to unite around, educate about, and advocate against social injustices that affect the campus, local, national, and global communities.