Main Contact Information

Mailing Address

Classified Staff Council
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Mail Stop: 1078
4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV 89154

Follow Us

CSC Executive Committee

Lorena Giese

Portrait of Lorena Giese
Phone: 702-895-2528

Carly Lutes

Vice Chair/ Secretary
A woman smiling.
Phone: 702-895-0446

Edwin Fajardo

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Office: SU 314-C13
Mail Code: 2008
Phone: 702-895-5651

Stacey Fott

NSHE Representative
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Office: LLB 3228
Phone: 702-895-2244

Breann Wickson

Past Chair
Breann Wickson
Mail Code: 6010
Phone: 702-895-3364

Theresa Boucher, MBA

Social Media Coordinator
Theresa Boucher
Mail Code: 6001
Phone: 702-895-1291

University Ombuds Panel

The office of the UNLV Ombuds is an independent resource, open to all university faculty, students, and staff. The mission of the office is to promote fair and equitable treatment for all members of the university community. The Ombuds is available to help resolve issues related to workplace and academic environments through confidential, independent, and neutral assistance.