• This webinar is designed for new employees to NSHE and a refresher for current employees. Topics include security roles, organization charts, inbox and navigation, favorites, reports, and support resources.

  • At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Identify the basic ingredients of happiness Identify the role of research in happiness Describe common myths associated with happiness Describe how the principles of…

  • This webinar is designed for new employees to NSHE and a refresher for current employees. Topics include security roles, organization charts, inbox and navigation, favorites, reports, and support resources.

  • At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: • Understand the importance of having realistic financial goals clearly defined • Recognize the importance of managing your finances to address these goals • Develop…

  • This webinar is designed for new employees to NSHE and a refresher for current employees. Topics include security roles, organization charts, inbox and navigation, favorites, reports, and support resources.

  • At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Identify techniques to focus on other people Listen to words and emotions Talk in terms of the other person’s interests Ask about and be interested in the other person…

  • This webinar is designed for new employees to NSHE and a refresher for current employees. Topics include security roles, organization charts, inbox and navigation, favorites, reports, and support resources.

  • At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Identify the potential outcomes of conflict Describe what happens when conflict is handled poorly Describe what happens when conflict is handled well Identify your…

  • This webinar is designed for new employees to NSHE and a refresher for current employees. Topics include security roles, organization charts, inbox and navigation, favorites, reports, and support resources.

  • At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Describe what confidence means • Distinguish between confidence and cockiness • Identify the four keys to boosting your confidence Describe how to overcome fear of failure •…