In The News: College of Liberal Arts

New York Times
Will Internet companies help or hinder government authorities that try to restrict their citizens from using the Web freely? And will their customers, investors or shareholders care enough to do something about it?
Parents Magazine

Many kids go through an "I hate school" phase. Find out how to get your student out of her funk.

Las Vegas Review Journal
Richard Plackowski admits he's been tempted to post something online that wasn't very nice. When he sees a YouTube video that's "kind of dumb." Or when someone makes "an ignorant statement" in an online discussion.
Las Vegas Review Journal

The upside of 21st century life? The dizzying array of cool electronic gadgets we have that let us do just about anything anytime and anywhere we want. The downside of 21st century life? Having to wade through that dizzying array of cool electronic gadgets whenever the ones we already have go on the fritz.