Ji Won Yoo (Medicine), and Pearl Kim and Jay Shen (both Health Care Administration) recently published an article along with Yong-Jae Lee (Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea) and Sun Jung Kim (Soonchunhayng University, South Korea). The article, "Ten-Year Trends of…
Fatma Nasoz (The Lincy Institute) recently presented at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' 8th International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS). Her presentation, "Machine Learning Applications in Genomics," was featured in a special…
Tirth Bhatta (Sociology) co-authored an article, “Gendered ‘Long Arm’ of Parental Education?: Life Course Influences on Functional Limitations Among Older Adults in India,” that was published in the Journal of Aging and Health. Bhatta also co-authored a chapter with Nirmala Lekhak (Nursing) and…
Heather Dahl (Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services) recently was awarded the 2018 WACES Professional Service Award in recognition of her years of service to the profession of counseling in the western region of the United States. She received the award at the 2018 Western…
Joanne Goodwin (History) presented at the National Trust for Historic Preservation annual conference in San Francisco Nov. 15. The paper discussed the new research on women's suffrage activists in Nevada and her work to create a website on the Nevada suffrage network. Doctoral…
Barbara St. Pierre Schneider (Nursing) was inducted into the 2018 inaugural cohort of the Hall of Fame at the Louisiana State University Health School of Nursing in New Orleans. The School of Nursing Hall of Fame recognizes alumni, faculty or student achievements that have made an…
Debra Martin (Anthropology) and Cheryl Anderson, recipient of last year's UNLV outstanding Ph.D. thesis award and co-edited Massacres: Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology Approaches (University of Florida Press, 2018), which was released this week. This volume represents case studies…
Jay Shen (Health Care Administration), Guogen Shan (Health Care Administration), Carolee Dodge-Francis (Environmental and Occupational Health), Pearl C. Kim (Health Care Administration doctoral student), Ji Won Yoo (School of Medicine), and Yong-Jae Lee (Yonsei University College of Medicine,…
Nirmala Lekhak (Nursing) presented her research “Effect of Meditation and Prayer on Cognitive Function of Older Adults with Multimorbidity” at International Symposium of Contemplative Practices, Mind and Life Institute Flagship Conference, in Phoenix. She also received a scholarship to attend this…
Donica’ Beckett (Public Health), Philip Danquah (Social Work), Johanna Andrews (Public Health), Melva Thompson-Robinson (Public Health), Carolee Dodge Francis (Education).
Presented a research poster, "Perspectives of Vulnerability to Sexual Risk Behaviors among Self-Identified…
Jennifer Kawi (Nursing) is the recipient of a $30,000 Jonas Center for Nursing and Veterans Healthcare award to support three Jonas Scholars with a $10,000 scholarship each in the 2018-2020 Jonas Scholar cohort. Catherine Dingley (Nursing) submitted the application.
Ashley Yuill, assistant director of the Jean Nidetch Women's Center, presented a webinar for the American College Personnel AssociationCommission for Student Involvement. The topic was "Supporting our Student Survivors: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Supervision."