I have been asked to serve as an advisor for a student/student organization in the Student Conduct process. Do I need to inform the university?

The UNLV Student Conduct Code affords all students/student organizations involved in the university Student Conduct process — reporter or respondent — the right to an advisor of their choice. All UNLV students/student organizations are expected to represent themselves in all Student Conduct matters, whether or not the student/student organization is also facing civil or criminal charges related to the same incident(s).

It is the student/student organization’s responsibility to inform the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities in writing, if they wish to have an advisor present during any part of the Student Conduct process. In addition, the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities will correspond at all times directly with the student/student organization and not through a third party. A third party, may receive copies of correspondence if the student signs a waiver to this effect.

Can I attend meetings or hearings regarding my student/student organization’s case?

Yes. If the student/student organization has signed an Advisor Authorization Form, an advisor may accompany a student/student organization to any Student Conduct meetings or hearings with the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities.

Can I represent my student/student organization during Student Conduct meetings or hearings?

An advisor may not speak for a student/student organization or address witnesses, complainants, victims, or hearing Board members without authorization from the hearing board chair or an Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities staff representative. Additionally, an advisor cannot serve as a witness.

My student/student organization is charged with a crime off-campus. Can I get the proceedings delayed until the civil or criminal matter is resolved?

The Student Conduct process at UNLV is not a determination of law; the university is making a determination of whether or not a student has violated University rules and regulations. Information from a criminal proceeding may be used as part of a Student Conduct case, but is not determinate of Student Conduct findings. Persons found in violation may be accountable to both civil and criminal authorities and to the University for actions that constitute violations of the Student Conduct Code. At the discretion of UNLV officials, conduct action at the University may be delayed or continue to move forward while civil and/or criminal proceedings are pending or in progress.

Isn’t the Student Conduct process double-jeopardy for someone also facing criminal charges?

No. Double-jeopardy is a concept that applies solely to criminal proceedings. The UNLV Student Conduct process is an educational administrative process; therefore, double-jeopardy does not apply.

What is the standard of proof in the student conduct process?

All determinations by a hearing officer, hearing panel or committee, or integrity hearing board shall be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the charged student/student organization violated the code (page 15, Student Conduct Code).

Why can the University take action if the alleged incident occurred off campus?

UNLV reserves the right to address off-campus behavior of its students/student organizations if the incident is arising out of the student’s membership in the campus community or has impacted or is likely to impact the UNLV community. The Student Conduct Code to University- sponsored events, trips, and activities that may occur at off-campus locations. The University will determine on a case-by-case basis whether or not a student/student organization’s alleged conduct requires action by the University.

What will happen if my student/student organization refuses to participate in the Student Conduct process?

The Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities will provide notice of all meetings/hearings and encourages all students/student organizations to participate in the Student Conduct process. It retains the right to proceed without the student/student organization’s involvement. In that instance, a decision will be reached based on the information that is provided to the hearing board or administrator. The student/student organization may not use their refusal to participate as a later ground for appealing a decision.

What if my student/student organization chooses to participate in the process? Is the student/student organization granted any immunity in the criminal process?

No. All Student Conduct matters are subject to lawful subpoena. This includes recordings, written statements and records, and personal recollections. The University may contact the appropriate law enforcement agency anytime violations of the law become evident through the Student Conduct process.

Academic Good Standing

Students enrolled at the university who maintain a UNLV grade point balance of zero or above, that is, a UNLV cumulative grade point average necessary to be considered in good standing. The university will place a student on probation in the UNLV grade point balance falls below zero. Students should seek advice from their academic advisor for the most current information on UNLV cumulative grade point average requirements.


Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids.


To compel or unduly influence in any way an action of another.

Controlled Substance

A drug or substance listed in the schedules contained in the Nevada revised Statues.

Disciplinary Good Standing

Students enrolled at the university who are not currently under disciplinary probation, suspension or expulsion. Failure to maintain disciplinary good standing may result in exclusion from participation in privileges and extracurricular activities.


Sale, exchange, transfer, delivery, or gift or sale or exchange for personal profit.


To bring into danger or peril.


All employees of the university and community college system of Nevada in teaching, research, or service, whose notice of appointment is as lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor or otherwise designated as faculty on the notice of appointment.

Greek Life

Any student affiliated with a social Greek-letter fraternal organization, or that organization itself; specifically those fraternities and sororities recognized by the University.


Any method of initiation into or affiliation with the University community, a student organization, a sports team, an academic association, or other group engaged in by an individual, whether on or off campus, that intentionally or recklessly endangers another individual or that destroys or removes public or private property. Such activities include, but are not limited to, paddling in any form, physical or psychological shocks, late work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities, advocating or promoting alcohol or substance abuse, tests of endurance, submission of members or prospective members to potentially dangerous or hazardous circumstances or activities which have a foreseeable potential for resulting in personal injury, or any activity which by its nature may have a potential to cause mental distress, panic, human degradation, or embarrassment.


A number of persons who are associated with each other and who have complied with university requirements for recognition.


Representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.


Based upon.


Conduct which one should reasonably be expected to know would create a substantial risk of harm to persons or property or which would otherwise be likely to result in interference with university or university-sponsored activities.


Conditions, measures and/or activities assigned as a result of being found responsible for a code violation, the clear purpose of which would be to redirect behavior.


Any unauthorized seeking of trade, contributions, attendance or support.

University Official

Any member of the campus community holding an office or position that authorizes them to perform functions of or uphold any university codes, rules and/or regulations.

University-Sponsored Activity

Any activity on or off campus, which is initiated, approved, or supervised by the university.