
Rebels are steeped in the anything-goes, make-it-work culture of Las Vegas — a culture that inspires people to take chances, seize opportunities, and find unconventional solutions to any challenge they care to tackle.

four students in suits in front of equipment

Student Stories

We have more than 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students at UNLV. Whether it’s achievement in academics, contributions to research, or mentoring and advocating for others, these Rebels are making things happen.

More Student Stories

man in graduation robe carries mace during commencement

Faculty/Staff Stories

UNLV is home to more than 3,000 faculty and staff who are focused on student achievement, teaching, research, and service.

Haven Searcy holds bottle up while wearing UNLV shirt

Alumni Stories

UNLV is proud to have more than 140,000 alumni working and contributing to their communities in 50 states and more than 75 countries worldwide.