The Purchasing Card (PCard) is a UNLV credit card that may be issued to individuals and university departments as a tool for facilitating and streamlining small dollar purchases.
- Individual cards are issued to an employee whose name appears on the card. Individual cardholders are the only ones permitted to use the card or card number to make purchases.
- Department cards are issued to an employee with the name of the department rather than the employee’s name on the card. Contact the PCard office to inquire about a department card.
PCard Spending Limits
The UNLV PCard administrator reviews and controls the card limits for each individual or department cardholder (transaction limit and monthly spending limit). There is not one overall institutional limit. The PCard administrator assesses the limits to match the cardholder’s needs while balancing those against existing controls. Periodically and at a minimum annually, cardholders’ spending will be subjected to limit reviews, and card limits may be adjusted as appropriate.
New cardholders are set with a PCard limit of $5,000/monthly and $1,500/single purchase.
If a need exists in the department for greater limits on an individual’s PCard, contact the PCard office.
PCard Transactions
PCards are intended to be used for small-dollar purchases of goods. PCards are not intended to be a substitute for other purchasing methods. All purchasing policies and regulations apply when using PCards for purchases.
PCard transactions that require additional signature authority, pre-authorizations, have dollar limitations of their own (such as in-state lodging rate maximum), or any other account-related guidelines (such as those tied to specific grants) must still be followed.
Verification Process
PCard transactions must be verified and fully approved in Workday by the cardholder or liaison (any employee with the financial administrative assistant role), no later than seven (7) business days following the end of each billing cycle.
The billing cycle begins on the 26th of each month and ends on the 25th of the following month. Cardholders and liaisons can verify transactions throughout the month.
For more information, please refer to the Workday job aid on verifying PCard transactions.
Note: Cardholders can access their PCard account statements, balances, and limits through PaymentNet 4, JP Morgan Chase’s online banking system. For assistance accessing JP Morgan, contact the PCard office.
Reporting Lost, Stolen, or Compromised Cards
Call the JP Morgan Chase customer service department at 1-800-316-6056 within 24 hours of discovering loss, stolen, or unrecognized activity.
Transferring to a New Department
If a cardholder is transferring to a new department, email the PCard team to notify them of the transfer, the current card will be canceled and shredded. All transaction records are the property and responsibility of the original department and do not transfer with the cardholder. If a PCard is needed from the new department, an application will need to be submitted.
Leaving the University
If a cardholder is leaving the university, email the PCard team to notify them of the termination. The cardholder's PCard will be canceled and shredded. All transaction records are the property and responsibility of the department and should be kept in accordance with the Document Retention policy.
Extended Leave Situations
Email the PCard team to discuss the status of your PCard account for the duration of your leave.
- Affidavit of Lost Receipt
- Departmental Card Sign-Out Sheet
- Host Explanation Website
- PCard Application - A PDF can be requested from the department by emailing:
- PCard Manual Revision 7.1
- PCard Quick Reference Guide
- Tax Exemption Policy
- Tips for PCard Approvers
PCard Office
Phone: 702-774-2273
Bank Contact
JP Morgan Chase Customer Service Department
Phone: 1-800-316-6056