The purpose of the Michelle Chino Dissertation Enhancement Award is to advance/improve public health in Nevada; this award provides support to doctoral students in the School. The scholarship will first be applied to any tuition balance the student may have; and any remaining funds shall be distributed to the student as a monetary award.

Any Change of Conditions to this document reference the policies of the Board of Regents of the NSHE, the University.

The candidate(s) shall be selected by the School of Public Health (Scholarship Committee) and must be approved by the Dean.

The award will be given to a student who meets, or exceeds, the following criteria

  1. Any doctoral student in the School with an accepted prospectus with preference given to students who have represented involvement with underrepresented groups within SPH, or the first generation in their families to go to college, or express significant personal financial hardship;
  2. Gifts from this award will match the dissertation enhancement grants awarded by the School with a maximum award of $500 per recipient ($250 from this award and $250 from the School)

Application Process

Students should submit the following application materials by email to no later than March 7, 2025:

  1. Please detail in no more than a single page what your anticipated costs will be and how they are important to complete your research. Examples of necessary costs might include travel, software licenses, the purchase of data, or technology.
  2. Email subject line should contain “LAST NAME and AWARD being applied to”.

The award will be given on May 2rd, 2025 at the School of Public Health Honors Ceremony. Attendance is required.

Award Stipulations

Recipients of the Michelle Chino Dissertation Enhancement Award grant(s) UNLV the right to publish their name and use the applicant’s likeness in a photograph in any and all of its publications, including website entries, without payment or any other consideration. These materials will become the property of UNLV and will not be returned. Recipients grant(s) UNLV the authority to edit, alter, copy, publish or distribute this photo for purpose of publicizing UNLV’s programs or for any other lawful purpose.