Expanding UNLV’s research potential through support of faculty scholarship

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As a Carnegie R1 institution that aspires to be recognized as one of the top public research universities in the nation, UNLV must strengthen its capacity to provide support for the research, scholarship, and creative work of faculty. An important campus priority is the construction of a campus-wide infrastructure to expand the availability of information. The need for more information is three-fold:

  • Academic faculty members need access to information on prospective research collaborators and sponsored research opportunities in order to increase their scholarly output and impact.
  • University administrators need access to information required for strategic planning and decision-making in connection with the research enterprise.  Supplied with better insights into the scope and impact of faculty scholarship, university leaders will be better positioned to allocate funding and resources in support of short- and long-range goals.
  • The university needs to make information on faculty members and their scholarship available to the public for both promotional purposes and to share the outcomes of research supported by federal, state, and other public sources of funding.

To fulfill these requirements, UNLV has licensed a set of products from Academic Analytics that will increase the availability of relevant information for campus constituents and external stakeholders.  A private company founded in 2005, Academic Analytics is a leading provider of academic business intelligence information to research universities across the nation.


The suite of software products available from Academic Analytics includes the following:

  • Benchmarking Suite – Provides academic administrators (e.g., chairs and deans) and university leaders (e.g., provost and president) with unit-level comparative/benchmarking data for strategic decision support.
  • Faculty Insight – Equips faculty members with information on funding opportunities and collaborators to advance their own research agenda.
  • Research Insight – Offers university research administrators information on funding opportunities and subject matter experts to help advance research initiatives, form effective research teams, and nominate researchers for external awards and honors.
  • External Discovery Site – Presents the university’s research activities and impact to external stakeholders through a public website

Login Portal

Log into Academic Analytics using your ACE account credentials.

Advisory Committee

The advisory committee provides input on the application of Academic Analytics tools at UNLV.  The current committee membership includes:


For general questions and comments, please contact the campus administrator:

Tondra De, Chief of Staff, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost

Email: tondra.de@unlv.edu
Phone: 702-895-0730

If you have questions about specific tools, please reach out to the following campus representatives:

Benchmarking Suite

Skip Crooker, Interim Vice Provost for Decision Support

Email: john.crooker@unlv.edu
Phone: 702-895-3772

Research Insight

David Hatchett, Vice President for Research

Email: david.hatchett@unlv.edu
Phone: 702-895-0213

Maggie Farrell, Dean of University Libraries

Email: maggie.farrell@unlv.edu
Phone: 702-895-2286

Faculty Insight

Winnie David, Faculty Information Systems Manager

Email: winnie.david@unlv.edu
Phone:  702-895-4457

External Discovery Site

Tondra De, Chief of Staff, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost

Email: tondra.de@unlv.edu
Phone: 702-895-0730