Theatre filled with audience

Enjoying Your Event

What and What Not to Bring

  • Yourself, ready to enjoy your event
  • Bottles of water, diaper bags (subject to inspection), medical bags (subject to inspection), strollers (which must be left in the lobby; please note some events restrict children’s attendance)
Do Not Bring
  • Bags Larger than 12” x 6” x 12”
    • We may require larger bags to be returned to vehicles. All bags are subject to inspection. If bags larger than this are allowed into our venues, we may require that they are checked in the lobby with the house staff.
  • Flowers, Balloons, or Gifts (including leis)
    • We have nowhere to store these items in the lobby during many large events; in an emergency, items like this left in the seating area may become trip hazards. We will require these items to be returned to vehicles.
  • Food or Drink Purchased Elsewhere
    • We only allow patrons to bring bottled water into the venue; we do not allow food or drink (including snacks for young children) purchased elsewhere into our venues.
  • Other Prohibited Items
    • Please review our Patron Code of Conduct for a full list of prohibited items, including signs or banners, glass bottles, cans, squirt bottles, or other containers, firearms or knives (with or without sheath), horns, air horns, whistles, other irregular sound devices, bars, sticks, clubs, poles of 20” length, sling shots, fish nets or other net material, beach balls, Frisbees, skateboards, roller skates, or any object which may obstruct other guests’ vision.

Event Etiquette

We strive to make everyone’s experience at our events enjoyable. Help us by doing your part to be mindful of others by following the directions of facility personnel and refraining from the following:

  • Talking, whispering, or singing along.
  • Using electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.) or taking photographs or videos unless specifically permitted.
  • Eating or unwrapping candy.
  • Using excessive perfume or cologne.
  • Obstructing the view of your fellow guests by being aware that people may be behind you.
  • Exiting your seat at any time other than between pieces or during applause.


At the Performing Arts Center, we strive to provide exciting and memorable experiences for all patrons. Learn more about accessibility in our venues below and call 702-895-2787 if you have additional questions.