Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal

Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal

Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2

On Monday, July 1st, 2024, OUR's Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal Spring 2024 Volume 3, Issue 2 went live with four undergraduate research articles. The issue celebrates the work of undergraduate researchers representing three academic colleges: College of Liberal Arts, College of Sciences, and the Greenspun College of Urban

At UNLV, students and their mentors are encouraged to submit their research to Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal.

updated spectra 2024 cover

About Spectra

Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal by the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is a bi-annual (i.e., fall and spring issues), peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, open-access journal primarily dedicated to the publication of undergraduate student research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. If and when possible, Spectra also publishes well-qualified undergraduate research from other institutions.

Spectra is committed to advancing responsible and ethical conduct of research, academic integrity, civil discourse, open and critical inquiry, and fair and unbiased representation of undergraduate student research across the academic spectrum.

Spectra Logo


OUR offers workshops on how to write abstracts, annotate bibliographies, cite properly, prepare manuscripts for publication, and review manuscripts for publication, encompassing many stages of the writing spectrum.

To sign up for these workshops, please go to OUR’s RSA page.


The main objectives of SPECTRA are to:

  1. Develop and improve research publishing skills by means of peer review process whereby scholarly feedback received,
  2. Provide undergraduate authors with the opportunity to engage in collaboration with their peers and faculty members, both in their research and during the publication process,
  3. Promote, expand, and enhance undergraduate student research participation at UNLV,
  4. Support and reward undergraduate students’ research involvement and add value to their overall education, professional development, and career readiness,
  5. Elevate the status of undergraduate research education at UNLV.


As OUR defines research in the broadest and most inclusive way, SPECTRA invites submissions from the following disciplines:

  • AHS – Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences: Fine Arts, Business, Education, Hospitality, Liberal Arts, Urban Affairs
  • HNSE – Health and Natural Sciences and Engineering: Engineering, Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing, and Sciences including Math, Geoscience, and Life Sciences

We encourage submission of original research that is well written and accessible to a wide audience and accept the following forms of literary and empirical work:

  1. Primary research articles
  2. Primary review articles
  3. Research protocol articles
  4. Thesis-based research articles from laboratory and field work, term papers (with the approval and endorsement of the instructor), or other faculty-supervised projects.
  5. Creative writing including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and prose
  6. Visual arts and photography

Editorial Board

  • Rafael Oganesyan, Ph.D., Editor-In-Chief, UNLV Director of Undergraduate Research
  • Madeline KriegerCo-Managing EditorUNLV Office of Undergraduate Research
  • Kirsten Hilary SorianoCo-Managing Editor, UNLV Office of Undergraduate Research

Advisory Board

  • Eda Anlamlier, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, UNLV Marketing and International Business
  • Seyhmus Baloglu, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, UNLV Hospitality Management
  • Emma Bloomfield, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, UNLV Communications Studies
  • Valarie Burke, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Graduate Student Services, UNLV Graduate College
  • Janet Dufek, Ph.D., FACSM, UNLV Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Professor
  • Jorge Fonseca Cacho, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Faculty-in-Residence, UNLV Computer Science
  • Andrew Hanson, Ph.D., Dean, UNLV Honors College
  • Sarah Harris, Ph.D., Professor, UNLV Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Dustin Hines, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, UNLV Psychology
  • Phillip Honenberger, Ph.D., Part-time Instructor, UNLV Philosophy
  • Kyle Kaalberg, Ph.D., Executive Director, UNLV Strategy and Strategic Initiatives
  • Gwen C. Marchand, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Research and Sponsored Projects and Associate Professor, UNLV College of Education
  • Cian McMahon, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UNLV History and Honors College
  • Kathryn Rafferty, Ph.D., Assistant Professor-in-Residence, UNLV School of Life Sciences
  • Kurt Regner, Ph.D., Professor-in-Residence, UNLV School of Life Sciences
  • Eduardo Robleto, Ph.D., Professor, UNLV School of Life Sciences
  • Rian Satterwhite, M.Ed., M.A., UNLV Director for Service Learning and Leadership
  • Dean Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Research Professor, UNLV Nevada Extreme Conditions Laboratory

  • Michelle Tusan, Ph.D., Professor, UNLV History
  • Andrea Wirth, M.S., UNLV Interim Head of Scholarly Communication Initiatives/Scholarly Communication Librarian
  • Brad Woods, Ph.D., UNLV Executive Director of the Office of Research Integrity; Research Integrity Officer
  • Shaoan Zhang, Ph.D., Professor, UNLV Teaching and Learning
  • Erin Zimmerman, Ph.D., Director, UNLV Writing Center

Instructions for Authors