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What is an Ombuds?

An ombuds is someone who helps people and groups resolve conflicts. As implemented at UNLV, the Ombuds serves as a designated neutral who facilitates the informal resolution of interpersonal and institutional concerns and conflicts.

What does the Ombuds do?

The Ombuds first and foremost, listens. The Ombuds may help parties reconsider or reframe an issue, may refer to formal avenues of conflict resolution, or identify opportunities for systemic change. The Ombuds may discuss options for how individuals can better give voice to their concerns.

As a mediator, the Ombuds and those conducting mediation services under the authority of the Ombuds Office provide a place for parties with a conflict to explore solutions in a voluntary, informal process.

Specifically, the Ombuds can:

  • Listen to visitors’ concerns
  • Help visitors analyze and understand problems
  • Help visitors evaluate their options
  • Clarify NSHE, UNLV, and other applicable policies
  • Discuss informal conflict resolution strategies
  • Coordinate structured, voluntary, informal mediation
  • If appropriate, refer visitors to other campus resources

What doesn’t the Ombuds do?

  • Accept notice of claims against the university
  • Decide who is right or wrong in a dispute
  • Predict what others will or won’t do
  • Tell visitors what to do
  • Advocate for any individual personally
  • Overrule decisions made by administrators, supervisors, or managers
  • Investigate wrongdoings
  • Punish or recommend punishments
  • Add to, alter, or delete any federal, NSHE, UNLV, or unit policies and regulations

Is the Ombuds Confidential?

Any communication with the Ombuds is considered confidential to the extent permitted by law. No one can disclose, without express permission, that a visitor contacted the office or the content of your communication.

Both UNLV and those bringing their concerns to the Ombuds agree at the outset that they will not ask the Ombuds to testify in any internal or external proceeding.

Because communications to the Ombuds are confidential, any information disclosed to the Ombuds does not constitute notice to UNLV of any potential claims.

What Services Does the Ombuds Office Offer?

  • Individual and group consultation
    The Ombuds can meet with individuals or groups to discuss the issues facing them.
  • Individual and group coaching and training
    The Ombuds can provide coaching and, in coordination with other campus offices, training in conflict resolution.
  • Workshops
    The Ombuds conducts interactive workshops on a variety of communication and conflict resolution topics.
  • Collecting information on systemic issues
    If you have a concern that does not rise to the level of a formal complaint, you can speak with the Ombuds or use this form to share it.
  • Collecting information on bright spots
    If someone around you is making your job easier and/or making UNLV a better place, let us know.
  • Mediation
    The Ombuds Office offers structured facilitative mediation for those wishing to resolve conflicts outside of formal grievance and complaint processes.