Tenure and Promotion Forum

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Tenure Flexibility

UNLV’s tenure flexibility policy provides the option to request early tenure or an extension. Before requesting either early tenure or an extension, please review the Flexibility of Pre-Tenure Probationary Period Policy.

To request an early tenure review or an extension of tenure review, please complete a Tenure Flexibility Request.

Application Process

The Tenure Flexibility Workflow begins when the faculty member submits a Tenure Flexibility Request form, to the Office Faculty Affairs (OFA). The faculty member's chair/supervisor is automatically notified when the form is submitted. OFA reviews the request and after a successful review, OFA prepares the Tenure Flexibility Form and sends it to the faculty member for appropriate signatures. The faculty member signs the document, obtains appropriate signatures, and returns the form to OFA who will then submit the request for review and recommendation by the Provost. The Provost then submits the request for review by the President. Notifications are then made by the Provost office.

The process is illustrated in the Tenure Flexibility Workflow diagram below:

Tenure and Promotion Guide

The Tenure and Promotion Guide, which is updated annually in January, is a master compendium of policies and processes for all tenure and promotion events. This webpage (and its counterpart for reviewers) replicates some of its information for the sake of easy accessibility.


Tenure and promotion are among the most important processes at any university for faculty individually and for the institution collectively. At UNLV, faculty members applying for tenure and/or promotion must chronicle their teaching accomplishments, scholarly achievements, and service endeavors in a comprehensive dossier. This record is extensively reviewed at several levels within the university and by external reviewers in their field.

Tenure-line (ranked) faculty are expected to robust produce along the axes of research/creative effort, teaching or job performance, and service. Typically, ranked faculty are hired at Rank II (Assistant Professor), promoted to Rank III (Associate Professor) and granted tenure with a successful application at the conclusion of the probationary period, and permitted to apply for promotion to Rank IV (Professor) after that.

While there are campus-wide guidelines and a campus-wide timeline, units determine the standards by which applications are assessed, and dictate many steps of the process. A finished application usually includes the items found in the Applying for Tenure and/or Promotion section (see below).


UNLV is committed to providing support for nontenure-track faculty as they progress through their careers. Pathways to promotion will vary depending on the position. Please read below for information that is pertinent to your career path.

Research Faculty

The primary role of research faculty members is to perform scholarly research and generate publications. The title of Research Faculty is used for an appointment at the professional level for individuals with a terminal degree. Research faculty members may be promoted in accordance with the general guidelines for academic rank (i.e., from Assistant Research Professor to Associate Research Professor and also from Associate Research Professor to Research Professor).

The promotional process for research faculty members differs from the process for other nontenure-track faculty (i.e., lecturers and faculty in residence). Research faculty applying for promotion undergo a review similar to that of individuals in a tenure-track positions applying for tenure and/or promotion. Notably, their promotion dossiers are reviewed by the University (Faculty Senate) Tenure and Promotion Committee. Therefore, the timeline for the promotion of research faculty members corresponds with the timeline for tenure-track and tenured faculty.


The primary role of lecturers is to provide instruction. The title of Lecturer is used for an appointment at the professional level where a terminal degree is not required. Lecturers can be promoted to Senior Lecturers.

There is no step for review by the University Promotion and Tenure Committee in the promotional path for lecturers. Promotion processes for these nontenure-track faculty members are largely unit-driven, and practices will differ by department and by college. Unit standards for promotion will govern promotion requirements, and the contents of application dossiers should reflect those promotion standards.

Faculty in Residence

Faculty in Residence also occupy instructional roles. The title Faculty in Residence is used for an appointment at the professional level for individuals with a terminal degree. Faculty members in residence may be promoted in accordance with the general guidelines for academic rank (i.e., from Assistant Professor in Residence to Associate Professor in Residence and also from Associate Professor in Residence to Professor in Residence).

Nontenure-track faculty members are largely unit-driven, and practices will differ by department and by college. Unit standards for promotion will govern promotion requirements, and the contents of application dossiers should reflect those promotion standards.

Applying for Tenure and/or Promotion

Applicants use UNLV Folio, the university’s faculty information management and review system, to apply for tenure and/or promotion.

Candidate Section

The candidate’s section of the tenure and/or promotion case consists of the following elements:

  • Faculty 180 Vita
    The vita is automatically pulled from the activities entered into UNLV Folio for the review period. See the links below for the specific activity sections that will be included in this vita:
  • Opening Statement
    This is a form (700 word limit) in UNLV Folio where the candidate summarizes their contribution to the university and discipline during the review period
  • CV
    In this section, the candidate will upload their current curriculum vitae.
  • Research/Creative Portfolio*
    This is a slot within UNLV Folio for candidates to upload files or provide links to external storage (e.g., Google Drive) that will allow reviewers to better appreciate their scholarly output.
  • External Waiver Release*
    A UNLV Folio form in which candidates waive (or do not waive) their right to see the contents of their external referees’ letters.
  • Teaching*
    • Teaching Load Summary Table
      The "TEACHING: Scheduled Teaching" summary table details the candidate's teaching record for their years under review and will automatically be captured in the Faculty180 vita generated for their case. Please see the summary table in the Faculty180 vita for the candidate's teaching information.
    • Teaching Evaluations
      While these may also be included as part of individual classes, this is a slot within UNLV Folio for candidates to upload their teaching evaluations, both by students and peers, if their unit requires them.
  • Synopsis
    A 100-word summary of the candidate’s accomplishments, written in the third person.
  • Required Support Documents
    • Performance Evaluations
      Include annual evaluations, as well as any mid-tenure/promotion evaluations, for the review period.
    • Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
      If the candidate is pursuing tenure, this should be the tenure standards from the date of hire. If the candidate is pursuing promotion, it should be the current unit standards for promotion.
  • Tenure Flexibility Request (if applicable)
    Copies of any requests for tenure flexibility that have previously been submitted should be included.
  • Additional Materials (unit-specific)
    This is a catch-all slot for teaching philosophy statements, grant summaries, etc., and other narratives or documents that units may request but are not common across the university.

* If required by the unit. For example, an application for promotion to senior lecturer might not require a research/creative portfolio, while an application for tenure for a library faculty member may not require teaching evaluations.

Department Chair

The department chair or other designee initiates the external review process (necessary for applications by ranked and certain unranked faculty) and the formal solicitation request is sent via UNLV Folio. External reviews are received and accessed through UNLV Folio.

Subsequent Reviews/Evaluations

Subsequent levels add the:

  • Department committee evaluation
  • Department chair/director evaluation
  • College committee evaluation
  • Dean Evaluations
  • University Tenure and Promotion Committee evaluation (for all but lecturers and faculty in residence)

Learning about Progress

Per the UNLV Bylaws (III.6.4), while the process is ongoing, candidates must be notified if a negative recommendation has been made.

If a department recommends against tenure and/or promotion, the department chair is responsible for notifying the candidate—this is also true when the chair themselves makes a negative recommendations.

If a college committee recommends against tenure and/or promotion, the dean is responsible for notifying the candidate—this is also true when the dean themselves makes a negative recommendations.

Candidates must be informed about the negative recommendation at the same time as the requisite administrator is moving the case forward: i.e., when the chair moves the case to the college level, or the dean to the university level. When notifying the candidate of the negative recommendation, the administrator should inform them that a negative recommendation was made, and the party that did it (i.e., department, college, chair, or dean). The administrator should not disclose the vote (if applicable) or the reasons for the denial. 

A candidate with a negative recommendation at the university level will be notified by the Provost.

Key Dates

Tenure Track Faculty

Nontenure-Track Faculty

For lecturers and faculty in residence, much of the process is unit determined, with these key deadlines:


The tenure and promotion process is facilitated by the Office of Faculty Affairs. Questions regarding the process can be directed to facultyaffairs@unlv.edu or to a member of the Office of Faculty Affairs staff.

Gary Totten, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Phone: 702-895-0043
Email: gary.totten@unlv.edu

Allison Sahl, Director of Faculty Services
Phone: 702-895-4890
Email: allison.sahl@unlv.edu