Accomplishments: Women's Council

Doris L. Watson (Educational Psychology and Higher Education) was an invited panelist for the OUT LBGTQ Business Alliance and the African American Business Alliance for the city of Albuquerque earlier this month. The panel, OUT / Sides, was a discussion on voter suppression, equity, and social justice.
Dieu-My T. Tran and Angela Silvestri-Elmore (both Nursing) recently were published in a new article, "Healthcare-Seeking Behaviours in College Students and Young Adults: A Review." The findings were published in the Journal of Research in Nursing and focus on reviewing current evidence of college students' health care-seeking behaviors…
Susan VanBeuge (Nursing) was reappointed to the Nevada State Board of Nursing. She is set to stay in this position until Oct. 31, 2024.
Barb Brents (Sociology) was interviewed about her career, her research, her new book, Paying for Sex in the Digital Age, and the similarities between the sex industry and mainstream businesses in the UK podcast, "Brave, Bold and Brilliant" with Jeanette Linfoot.
Susan B. Wainscott and Richard J. Zwiercan (Libraries) presented a conference paper, "Improving Access to Standards," at the 2020 American Society for Engineering Education. This paper describes the development and assessment of the process the University Libraries use to make standards documents available to faculty, staff, and students…
John "Skip" Crooker, Qingmin Shi, and Celeste Calkins (all Decision Support) recently co-presented “Instructors’ Grading Practices and Student Evaluations of Teaching” at the annual virtual conference of the Rocky Mountain Association for Institutional Research. This study examines how student evaluations of teaching (SET) are related to…
Katherine Marcal (Social Work) published an article, "Demographic and Socioeconomic Predictors of Behavioral Trajectories from Age 3 to 15: A Longitudinal Mixed Effects Approach," in the Journal of Child and Family Studies. This study used a large, nationally representative sample of at-risk families to investigate the effects of a range of…
David Damore (Political Science), Robert Lang (Brookings Mountain West and The Lincy Institute), and Karen Danielsen (Public Policy and Leadership) published Blue Metros, Red States: The Shifting Urban-Rural Divide in America's Swing States (Brookings Institution Press). The book, which includes contributions from William Brown (Brookings Mountain…
Five School of Nursing undergraduate students, Vanessa Baragan, Kyle Soto, Alexandria Fuzzard, Iris Martinez, and Karen Nava, and one alumna, Heather Shawcross, ('20 BSN) were recognized as Rising Stars at the Nevada Nurses Foundation's Shining Stars of Nursing in Nevada gala. The students were honored for their nursing accomplishments in the…
Su Kim Chung (Libraries) was interviewed for the recent Vegas PBS documentary "The Showgirl: A Las Vegas Icon." She will be giving a presentation, "History and Legacy of the Las Vegas Showgirl," for the Rebel Recharge Webinar series. Also, her work as a "showgirl archivist" was the subject of a recent episode of the podcast series "…
Tiffany Lin (Art) has a solo exhibit at Spring Valley Library until Dec. 20. Her project, "24 VIEWS, " is a drawing series and social practice project that investigates the United States Census and its impact on American identity. Through drawings based on publicly available Census data, the project demonstrates how shifting definitions of race,…
Emily Budd (Art) is included in "Future-Ready: Survival Now + Next," a virtual exhibition hosted by the Anchorage Museum in Alaska. "Future Ready" was an open call for images, ideas, words, and inventions as well as survival manuals or proposals for constructions and installations — all for future readiness, whether practical, imaginative, or…