Accomplishments: Women's Council

Mahdi Hajiali (Computer Science) will have a new study appear in the Proceedings of the 2021 Computing Conference, a highly ranked conference in the areas of computer science and computing. Collaborators included Mahdi Hajiali, Jorge Ramón Fonseca Cacho, and Kazem Taghva (all Computer Science). The study, “Generating Correction…
Emily Lapworth and Su Kim Chung (Libraries) had an article, "The Archives at the Tip of Their Fingers: Exploring User Reactions to Large-Scale Digitization," published in the Journal of Archival Organization. 
Hikmet Loe (Art) was featured in a recent Artforum article on land art.
Janna Bernstein and Rian Satterwhite (Service Learning & Leadership) successfully completed a 16-week level 1 certification in Fostering Success Coaching, offered by the Fostering Success Coaching Institute. They were part of an NSHE-wide cohort completing the training together, brought together by the NSHE Foster Youth Success Initiative and…
Michelle Tusan (History) will give a public presentation at noon July 25 on the legacy of Lawrence of Arabia, sponsored by the National World War I Museum and Memorial. 
Allyson Hindle (Life Sciences) recently received a National Science Foundation Polar Programs grant, titled "Role of Endothelial Cell Activation in Hypoxia Tolerance of an Elite Diver, the Weddell Seal." In collaboration with Jose Pablo Vazquez-Medina from the Universit of California, Berkeley, the project will evaluate the…
Alyssa Crittenden (Anthropology) has been selected as a co-recipient of the 2021 Conrad M. Arensberg award from the American Anthropological Association. This honor recognizes individuals who have furthered anthropology as a natural science.   Alyssa Crittenden’s research combines methods of evolutionary…
Marina Colacicchi (Garber) (World Languages and Cultures) gave an interview and read a poetry selection from the upcoming book No Man's Land on radio channel Echo Culture (Moscow, Russia). The program was hosted by Natella Boltyanskaya. 
Dr. Deborah Kuhls, Laura K. Gryder, Dr. Kavita Batra, Merika Charupoom, Emily Carter, Ana Reyes, and Emily Strickler (all Medicine) implemented hands-on training in Statistics for Traffic Safety at the 2021 National Summer Transportation Institute to a cohort of advanced high school students interested in traffic systems and STEM.
Eve Hanan (Law) published an article, Talking Back in Court, in the Washington Law Review. The article analyzes three types of power that prevent defendants from responding to opportunities to advocate for themselves in court: sovereign, disciplinary, and social-emotional power. The article argues that the dynamics of social-emotional…
Manoj Sharma, Jennifer Pharr, Courtney Coughenour (all Environmental & Occupational Health), Chia-Liang Dai (Teaching & Learning), Kavita Batra (Medicine), and Ching-Chen Chen (Counselor Education), along with Asma Awan (Purdue University), and Hannah Catalano (University of North Carolina Wilmington), published an article “Using the Multi…
Alisha Kerlin (Barrick Museum of Art) was appointed to the board of Rogers Art Loft. Rogers Art Loft welcomes national and international artists to work for two to eight weeks in downtown Las Vegas. Their mission is dedicated to inclusivity, originality, and empowerment of artists. They seek to support artists in all steps of their development;…