Accomplishments: Women's Council

Tiange Xu (Hospitality), Brett Abarbanel (International Gaming Institute), and Shane Kraus (Psychology) presented a poster, "Problem Gambling and Mental Health Disorders among Undergraduate Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic", at the 2022 New Horizons In Responsible Gambling Conference.
Doris Morgan Rueda (History) accepted a postdoctoral fellow position at the Center for Law & History at Stanford Law School for 2022-24. 
Asma Tahir (Environmental & Occupational Health) presented a poster on "Comparison of the Airborne Fungal Spore Concentrations in the Mojave Desert and Las Vegas 2016-2020" at the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology annual meeting in Phoenix last month. The poster also has been published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical…
Tiffiany Howard (Political Science), Brach Poston (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and April Lopez (University of Texas, Austin) recently published the paper, "Extremist Radicalization in the Virtual Era: Analyzing the Neurocognitive Process of Online Radicalization." Their article appears in the latest issue of the journal, Studies in…
Amanda Belarmino (Hospitality) is coauthor of an article, "Risk Mitigation through Source Credibility in Online Travel Communities," which has been published in the hospitality research journal, Anatolia. Using "uncertainty reduction theory" the researchers explore the impacts of risk perceptions in online travel communities on source…
Janice M. Pluth (Health Physics & Diagnostic Sciences) and Chad L. Cross (Epidemiology & Biostatistics), along with colleagues at UC Berkley, recently published the article "Cellular DNA Effects of Radiation and Cancer Risk Assessment in Cells with Mitochondrial Defects" in the Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences. The…
Tiffany Lin (Art) is part of the Migrate, a temporary art installation in the Wetlands Park Nature Preserve with installments by local artists reflecting the theme of "Migration and Movement."
Amy Tureen (Libraries) is the author of a chapter, "Dear Colleagues, [Insert Joke Here]: Using Humor in Written Communication in the Workplace" published in the book, Lead Your Library With a Sense of Humor: Why (and How to) Be a Funnier and More Effective Leader and Laugh All the Way to Your Library (Vol. 1).
Amber Sewell (Libraries) has had a proposal, "An Investigation into Responsible and Effective Data-Gathering of Diverse Student Narratives for an Information Privilege Instructional Game", accepted in the 2022 Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL). The proposal focuses on responsibly collecting diverse personal narratives…
Janice Enriquez (Nursing) served as item writer for the Oncology Nurse's Society certified breast care nurse exam. She was one of 15 chosen based on their experience.
Jennifer Vanderlaan and Acacia Herndon (both Nursing) will present their research abstracts at the 2022 Annual Research Meeting for Academy Health in Washington, D.C., in June. They will present based on their research regarding midwifery independent licensing. Herndon is an undergraduate.
Rebecca Benfield (Nursing) was selected for the highly competitive 2022 Sigma Theta Tau/Western Institute of Nursing Research Grant for her study, "An Immersion Intervention for Symptoms of PTSD in Student Veterans." She will be honored officially next month at the 2022 WIN Conference.