Accomplishments: Women's Council

Jennifer L. Rennels and Andrea J. Kayl (Psychology) published "Infants and Adults Represent Faces Differently" in the journal, Developmental Psychology. Infants typically have predominant experience with women and this research showed infants formed mental representations of faces that were weighted toward the most frequently seen faces…
Sheila Bock (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) gave two presentations in October. The first, “Graduation Dress and the Visual Rhetorics of Unity and Exclusion,” was part of a pre-organized panel, “Belonging, Exclusion, and Community on Campus: New Perspectives on the Folklore of Higher Education," at the annual meeting of the…
Janet S. Dufek (Integrated Health Sciences) recently was invited to the University of Oregon as a scholar lecturer for the department of human physiology in the College of Arts and Sciences. Her lecture, titled "The Effects of Strategies and Variability on Research Outcomes," was attended by faculty, students, and administrators from the…
C.E. Abbate (Philosophy) and her co-author Bob Fischer (Texas State University) published an article, "Don’t Demean 'Invasives': Conservation and Wrongful Species Discrimination" for the special issue "Animal Ethics: Questioning the Orthodoxy" of the journal Animals. This article challenges conservation categorization schemes that treat…
Monserrath Hernández, Elsa Lopez, Nathalie Martinez, Rodrigo Vazquez, and Barbara Tabach (all Libraries) presented a roundtable, "Latinx Voices of Southern Nevada: Birth of an Oral History Project," at the 53rd annual Oral History Association Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City. Latinx Voices of Southern Nevada is the latest oral history project…
Rian Satterwhite (Service Learning and Leadership) and Tamara Marino (Community Engagement) presented at the recent Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities annual conference in Philadelphia. Their presentation was titled "Grounding Service-Learning Theory and Practice in Las Vegas." Additionally, Satterwhite presented three…
Robert Salatto, Dustin Davis, Jacquelyn Sertic, Peyton Cater, Brenna Barrios, and Bryson Carrier (all Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) presented at the recent Southwest American College of Sports Medicine conference in Newport Beach, California. Their research relates to the validity of wearable technology devices in an applied setting. These…
Deborah Arteaga (World Languages and Cultures) presented a paper, "Dialectal Aspects of Medical Spanish," at the 76th annual conference of the South Central Modern Language Association.
Rachell Ekroos (Nursing) along with Patricia M. Speck (University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Nursing) presented "Title X Legislative & Regulatory Analysis Benefiting Children Affected by Sexual Exploitation" at the American Academy of Nursing's 2019 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference earlier this month in Washington, D.C.…
Alicia Rico (World Languages and Cultures) recently published an article, “Apuntes gastronómico-sociales de El Chef ha muerto," in La nueva literatura hispánica (2019). In this article, she analyzes how the author, Yanet Acosta, uses gastronomy to make a critical comment regarding contemporary Spanish society and the…
C.E. Abbate (Philosophy) published a paper titled "A Defense of Free-Roaming Cats from a Hedonist Account of Feline Well-being" in Acta Analytica. This article presents and defends a novel account of feline well-being that challenges the standard belief that domestic cats ought to be permanently confined. 
Pearl Kim, Betty Burston, Jay Shen (all Health Care Administration and Policy), Wenlian Zhou, Marcia Ditmyer (both Dental School), Shawn McCoy, and Ian McDonough (both Economics) recently published a paper, "Factors Associated with Preventable Emergency Department Visits for Nontraumatic Dental Conditions in the U.S." in the International…