In The News: Brookings Mountain West


This month, the custodian agencies of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 released a joint report, “Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report,” which examines the progress made toward the achievement of SDG 7, “ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030.

Carson Now

Michael Brown, Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development Executive Director, thanked the 2021 Legislature on Friday for its work to enhance the State’s economic development and recovery plan.


This week, executive director of the Nevada Governor’s Economic Development Bureau, Michael Brown, hailed the bills passed during the 2021 legislature as critical to the recovery and growth of the state’s economy.

Global News Canada

Facebook and Instagram have had to remove over 18 million pieces of COVID-19-related misinformation since the start of the pandemic, according to a new report the company released on Wednesday.

Nevada Current

Nevada Democratic legislative leaders said Thursday they were “disheartened” by a state Supreme Court ruling that a pair of tax measures legislators passed in 2019 were unconstitutional because they did not pass by a two-thirds majority.

Shepherd of the Hills Gazette

The big new census reports on population trends and voter turnout in 2020 each show the continuation of core underlying trends reshaping the electoral battlefield.


The battleground states across the industrial Midwest have functioned as the decisive tipping point of American politics for at least 30 years, especially in presidential elections. But the latest Census Bureau findings on both overall population growth and voter turnout in 2020 signal that the Sun Belt will increasingly rival, and potentially replace, the Rust Belt as the central battlefield in US elections.

Las Vegas Sun

COVID-19 pandemic woes have devastated the state labor market, particularly in tourism-reliant Southern Nevada. April 2020 marks the date Nevada’s unemployment rate hit an unprecedented 29.5%, highest in the nation at that time.


The plan to build a mass-transit system along Charleston Boulevard is a good idea, but Las Vegas’ transportation challenges need to be addressed on multiple fronts, an urban development expert says.

Nevada Independent

In increasing Nevada’s share of federal funding, all options should be on the table. This includes reaffirming land grant status for UNLV, UNR and Desert Research Institute.

Nevada Independent

Nevada lawmakers hope this session will be the one where they resolve a “vexing” problem that has lingered since 2017 — it’s legal to consume marijuana recreationally, but not in a public place.


For decades, the order of the presidential primaries and caucuses has caused consternation.