Accomplishments: Office of the University Ombuds

David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently presented at the 18th Annual International Ombuds Association, held in Seattle, Washington, a gathering of 500 ombuds practitioners and allied participants from around the world. His presentation, titled, "Try Again: Using Games to Reengage in Ombuds Marketing and Practice," explored how ombuds can use…
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's ombuds office. The post, "Formal? Informal? What's the Difference, Anyway?," examined the differences between formal and informal conflict resolution processes. For more information about the ombuds office, please visit its website.…
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) gave a talk about the history of the Sands casino, the subject of his most recent book, At the Sands, to a community group at the Spanish Oaks Historic District. The talk summed up the story of the famous Strip hotel, with a special emphasis on the important role of the Rat Pack. During and after his talk, residents…
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's Ombuds Office. The post, "When No News Is Bad News," highlights the problems that silence can bring to an evaluative relationship.  For more information about the Ombuds Office, please visit its website.   
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's ombuds office. The post focuses on the current annual evaluation season, and ponders how it can be a bit better. For more information about the ombuds office, please visit its website.
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) was recently interviewed by Authority Magazine on the topic of "the 5 things you need to be a highly effective public speaker." In the interview, Schwartz spoke about his career path and those who have influenced him, as well as sharing the aforementioned five tips. 
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's ombuds office. The post announces the release of the Ombuds Office's 2022 Annual Report and shares a few highlights.  For more information about the ombuds office, please visit its website.
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's ombuds office. This post is about his recent experience at the Involvement Fair, and an unexpected benefit it delivered. For more information about the ombuds office, please visit its website.
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's ombuds office. The post, based on his preparations for a spring Honors seminar on jazz history, contrasts two styles of leadership — that of Jelly Roll Morton and Duke Ellington — and ponders the implications for higher education. It is…
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's ombuds office. The post looks at our end-of-year "wrap-ups," exploring just what we should be wrapping and why. For more information about the ombuds office, please visit its website. 
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's ombuds office. The post, sparked by the interest in his previous writing about the role of micro affirmations in creating a more positive campus culture, explores the why, what, and how organizational cultures change. For more information…
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's ombuds office. The post, "Changing Our Culture, One Step at a Time," explores what it might look like to practice Mary Rowe's concept of "micro affirmations" for UNLV.  For more information about the ombuds office, please visit its…