In The News: Division of Student Affairs

Boston Globe
My Morning Cup features the coffee rituals that most of us have. People from all walks of life — from US senators to ballplayers, subway drivers to college professors — have submitted entries that will run each day. Here, we reached Chad Scott in Las Vegas by phone.
Las Vegas Sun

One of the most important issues this election is how Nevada will pave the way for a prosperous future. Unfortunately, the state has neglected Clark County, home to nearly 75 percent of the state’s residents. Nowhere is that more clear than in higher education. In his piece below, David Damore, a UNLV political scientist and fellow at the Brookings Institution, explains how the data show Southern Nevada greatly subsidizes higher education in the rest of the state. That leaves the bulk of Nevada’s college students, who attend school in Clark County, at a great disadvantage. This election, Southern Nevada voters need to elect people who will stop the politics that allow this. It’s not about stealing from Northern or rural Nevada, it’s about being fair. — Brian Greenspun

Las Vegas Sun

Change is on the horizon at UNLV, acting President Don Snyder said today during his State of University address.