In The News: Lee Business School

Associated Press

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is planning to send a group of students to Cuba as part of a business program on campus.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Nevada is world-renowned for precious metals and glitzy casinos, but to the online crowdfunding community, it stands out for other reasons.

Vegas Inc

ow are retail apparel businesses catering to the consumers who insist on paying as little as possible?

Las Vegas Review Journal

Nevada is one of just eight states that saw a slight increase in income inequality from 2014 to 2015, according to new census data that raise questions about the evenness of the state’s economic recovery.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Lifelong feminist Mary Riddel recalls her early days on college campuses: the “big deal” of feminism at Michigan in the ‘70s; the popularity of Anti-Apartheid demonstrations; and her days at the University of Colorado in Boulder, where political activist Ward Churchill once presided.

Las Vegas Review Journal

UNLV’s business school has tumbled in rank among the nation’s top undergraduate business programs, ratings released today by U.S. News & World Report show.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Think looks don’t matter in the classroom? Think again — a UNLV study authored by a psychology graduate suggests students learn better from teachers they find attractive.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Think looks don’t matter in the classroom? Think again — a UNLV study authored by a psychology graduate suggests students learn better from teachers they find attractive.

Vegas Inc

UNLV’s fall semester starts Aug. 29, representing the investment of nearly 30,000 degree-seekers in their future.

Las Vegas Review Journal

The Las Vegas startup scene has not blossomed into the thriving tech hub many envisioned four years ago, but the scene is still reaping the benefits from a bid to make it one.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas has plenty of flashing neon signs, but not all of them are for entertainment purposes — some signal hope for those who partake in a $50 billion-a-year nationwide industry.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Imagine a time in which businesses work directly with educational institutions to custom-make their employees.