In The News: School of Public Health

Washington Post

A new study appears to offer additional evidence that drivers are less likely to brake for African American pedestrians trying to cross the street, a phenomenon known as “walking while black.”


Traffic fatalities have been rising overall across the United States, and the percentage of pedestrians killed is growing. But the impact of these trends is not evenly felt across demographics: Pedestrians of color are more likely to be killed in traffic.

Insurance Journal

Motorists approaching mid-block crosswalks are less likely to yield for black pedestrians than white pedestrians and the pedestrian bias is apparently even worse in high-income than low-income neighborhoods, according to a new study out of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas.


Southern Nevada’s allergy season, already one of the worst in the country, got an early start this year.

Medical Press

Cancer mortality rates vary considerably within the growing Hispanic population in the United States, with significant differences among the major Hispanic ethnic groups. The study is published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research by Paulo S. Pinheiro, MD, PhD, an associate professor of epidemiology at the School of Community Health Sciences at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


Cars are less likely to stop when people of color step into intersections, a study says. That may partly explain why there are higher levels of pedestrian deaths among racial minority communities.

Las Vegas Review Journal

UNLV is among the universities around the country participating in a push by the Obama administration to demographically shore up the Affordable Care Act health insurance marketplace by signing up more young adults.

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

Cancer is the second highest cause of death among African Americans. There have been numerous studies examining the racial gap in cancer rates and mortality rates of cancer patients. Now a new study by researchers at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas examines differences in cancer and mortality rates between native-born African Americans and Blacks born in Caribbean nations.


Identifying cancer rates based on race may not give an accurate picture.


A recent study finds that women in Nevada have higher rates of breast cancer deaths compared to the national average. As Reno Public Radio’s Anh Gray women living in southern Nevada have an even lower survival rate.

Los Angeles Sentinel

A recently released study from the University of Nevada Las Vegas could change the way members of the medical community look at health disparities when it comes to blacks and cancer. The study explored differences in cancer deaths between Caribbean born and U.S. born blacks and found that birth country, rather than race alone, is a major factor in cancer mortality rates among blacks in America. U.S.-born blacks have the highest cancer mortality rates while black Caribbean immigrants in the U.S. have the lowest, researchers said.


Cancer is the second leading cause of death among blacks in the U.S. As Reno Public Radio’s Anh Gray reports a recent study is challenging some previous assumptions about cancer in this group.