In The News: School of Public Health

Las Vegas Review Journal

UNLV announced Monday it has renamed its School of Community Health Sciences as the School of Public Health.

Coupons in the News

When it comes time to do your grocery shopping and load up on fresh food for your family, the local dollar store may not be the first place you think to go. Who wants to settle for wilted vegetables and sketchy-looking fruit just to save a buck? But a new study says you might want to rethink that point of view – because discount produce at the dollar store is just as good as the more expensive stuff you can get everywhere else.

Supermarket Perimeter

A new study from the University of Nevada-Las Vegas found that the quality of fruits and vegetables at dollar stores was just as good as regular supermarket produce, news that could benefit budget-conscious shoppers and those that live in USDA-labeled food deserts.


“Channel blurring” can widen access to healthy food, UNLV researchers say.


Researchers from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas recently discovered whether you shop at a fancy supermarket or a budget store, you are getting the same quality produce—the only variance is in the price.

Refrigerated & Frozen Foods

The study compared the color, cleanliness, freshness and firmness of fruits and vegetables in 14 dollar-discount stores to 40 traditional food outlets across the Las Vegas metro area.

Blue Book Services

As deep discount stores, so-called “dollar stores,” add more fresh food to their lineup, a new study by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, found produce quality was virtually the same as traditional grocers in the area.


A new study from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas compared the color, cleanliness, freshness and firmness of fruits and vegetables among 14 dollar-discount stores and 40 traditional grocery stores and found the quality of fruits and vegetables at the dollar stores is just as good as regular grocery store produce.

Perishable News

When you hear about dollar discount stores, the first thought that comes to mind likely isn’t groceries for you and your family.

Metro Voice News

Consumers have been trained that supermarkets with the slick commercials, fancy lighting and beautiful fresh produce displays have better quality. So buying your favorite fruits and vegetables at a discount store means you must be getting lower quality goods, right? Wrong. New research reveals that produce sold at dollar stores are actually quite comparable to that sold at traditional grocery chains, only markedly cheaper.

Study Finds

You get what you pay for when grocery shopping — or so we’re led to believe. So buying your favorite fruits and vegetables at a discount store means you must be getting lower quality goods, right? Wrong. New research reveals that produce sold at dollar stores are actually quite comparable to that sold at traditional grocery chains, only markedly cheaper.

Nevada Current

A study by UNLV researchers argues that non-traditional food markets like dollar discount stores may help bridge disparities in food access for low-income residents.