Accomplishments: School of Public Health

Patricia Cruz, Mark Buttner, and Theresa Trice (all Environmental and Occupational Health) and Katherine Howard (Dental) published an article, "Development of a Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for the Rapid Detection of the Oral Pathogenic Bacterium, Selenomonas noxia," in the August issue of BMC Oral Health. UNLV master of public health…
Reimund Serafica, Alona Angosta (both Nursing), and Sheniz Moonie (Environmental and Occupational Health) are the authors of an article, "Measuring Enjoyment of Ballroom Dancing in Filipino Americans Using the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale," which recently was published in the peer-reviewed publication Asian Pacific Island Nursing Journal.
Mark Buttner and Patricia Cruz (both Environmental and Occupational Health) received a one-year, $1.2 million award from Nevada department of health and human services to conduct molecular biological environmental monitoring.
Mark Buttner and Patricia Cruz (Environmental and Occupational Health) received a one-year, $1.2 million award from Nevada Department of Health and Human Services to conduct environmental monitoring.
Dan Bubb (Academic Assessment) and Jay Shen (Community Health Sciences) made a presentation at the Association for Assessment of Higher Learning Education's fourth annual Assessment Conference in Albuquerque in June. The presentation highlighted the value of bringing faculty, students, alumni, and employers together to discuss ways to improve…
Shawn Gerstenberger (Community Health Sciences) and Daniel Bubb (Academic Assessment) participated in the first Masters of Public Health Quality Assessment Summit hosted by UNLV's School of Community Health Sciences. Faculty, graduate students, alumni, community members, and employers gathered to attend the half-day event on March 7, engaging in…
Dennis Bazylinski (Life Sciences ) and Mark Buttner (Community Health Sciences) received a 14-month, $106,098 award from the Clark County School District to establish an airborne pollen monitoring program in Las Vegas.
Michelle Chino (Environmental and Occupational Health) was the invited keynote speaker at the University of New South Wales annual public health symposium in Sydney, Australia. She presented her work with the Muru Marri Center for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health on the social determinants of health among indigenous populations. She…
Mark Buttner and Patricia Cruz (Community Health Sciences) received a $1.1 million, 16-month award from the Nevada department of health and human services to conduct environmental monitoring.
Sanae El Ibrahimi (Community Health Sciences) won first prize for a student poster presentation at the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries annual meeting in Austin, Texas. She presented a poster abstract examining racial disparities in terms of stage at diagnosis of cervical cancer in Nevada females. In March, she presented a…
Karl Kingsley (Dental), Katherine Howard (Dental), Clifford Seran (Dental), and Patricia Cruz (Community Health Sciences) have published their research, "A Molecular Survey of S. Mutans and P. Gingivalis Oral Microbial Burden in Human Saliva Using Relative Endpoint Polymerase Chain Reaction (RE-PCR) within the Population of a Nevada Dental…