In The News: William S. Boyd School of Law

Nevada Current

Democratic Assemblyman Edgar Flores made it clear from the very beginning of the hearing: He is not attempting to get local law enforcement agencies out of the immigration enforcement game entirely.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A bill that would restrict local law enforcement from cooperating in some cases with federal immigration authorities but stops short of enacting so-called sanctuary state laws is pleasing neither side of the immigration debate.

Nevada Independent

Business owners and families will begin to notice changes in their pockets as of this tax season after this year a federal tax reform came into effect that also modifies the health insurance mandate implemented under President Obama's administration.

Arizona Republic

Water managers and scientists can’t say with 100 percent certainty what Arizona’s water supply will look like in the distant future. But of all the possible outcomes, one thing seems certain: A water shortage won’t solve itself.


The political saga triggered by the special counsel investigation into Donald Trump, which has cast such a long shadow over his presidency, will continue long after the inquiry’s end.


Special counsel Robert Mueller did not find evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Rossi Ralenkotter, the former CEO of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, pushed for $10 million in tourism funds for a police substation expansion while police were investigating the agency, records show.

It was just a regular day: I opened my mailbox, grabbed the pile of what I assumed was a combination of junk mail and bills, and then I saw it—an envelope from the IRS.

Nevada Current

Four days after its official launch, Kirsten Gillibrand brought her presidential campaign to Las Vegas for a policy discussion with local legal professionals who are on the frontline of the national debate on immigration.

Las Vegas Sun

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., meets with student attorneys at the UNLV Immigration Clinic for a discussion on immigration Thursday, March 21, 2019, in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Sun

Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand pitched her ideas Thursday to improve the asylum process while touring a law clinic at the UNLV that helps immigrants with legal matters.


In a new book, former manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority Pat Mulroy says we’re facing a tough global reality when it comes to water. Growth, urbanization, and the effects of climate change mean we have to find new ways to manage a resource she says most Americans simply take for granted. Mulroy is coming to Utah, and she joins Doug Wednesday to explain what’s at stake, and how creating a shared vision for our water future is more important than ever.