In The News: William S. Boyd School of Law

Nevada Independent

For hundreds of years, Muslims in the U.S. were just another religious minority, comprising less than 1 percent of all Americans. But on Sept. 11, 18 years ago, the American Dream “came shattering down” for Rutgers law professor Sahar Aziz.

Nevada Current

Muslims are misunderstood and former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants that to change.


Former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid took part in a panel titled "Islam in America" on Thursday at UNLV.

KVVU-TV: Fox 5

Former Democratic Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid spoke at UNLV Thursday ahead of an evening discussion on Islam. Amid the brief media gathering, Reid advanced his religion panel, broached the subject of 1 October's second anniversary and made no bones about the Trump impeachment inquiry.


Compliance supervisors at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management wrapped up a review this week that may send brokers scurrying to contact advisory account customers or risk having them moved to other parts of Bank of America.

The National Interest

Not surprisingly, politics have pervaded the debate. Many, perhaps most, assume that impeachment of a president should be, or inevitably will devolve into a political melee. The few historic examples that exist show political motivations – to varying degrees – in the impeachment proceedings against Presidents Johnson, Nixon and Clinton.

Business Breaking News

Former FBI Director James Comey started his presentation on leadership at UNLV on Monday by saying leaders need to be, among other things, humble. At the end of his talk, he discussed in humble terms one of the most consequential decisions of his career: a decision to notify Congress just before the 2016 election that the bureau had reopened an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. “If I was certain I was right, I’d be a moron,” Comey said. “I’m not certain that I was right. But I respect people who see it differently.”


Former FBI Director James Comey was at Boyd Law School at UNLV on Tuesday.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Former FBI Director James Comey started his presentation on leadership at UNLV on Monday by saying leaders need to be, among other things, humble.

msn news

Nearly 1,000 Amazon employees are walking out of work. More than 45,000 GM auto workers are on strike for the fifth day in a row. In October, about 80,000 Kaiser Permanente employees are set to go on strike.


Nearly 1,000 Amazon employees are walking out of work. More than 45,000 GM auto workers are on strike for the fifth day in a row. In October, about 80,000 Kaiser Permanente employees are set to go on strike.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Nevada’s two Democratic senators are forming a bipartisan commission to vet potential candidates for federal judgeships in Nevada, saying the panel would help them select qualified people to recommend to the White House for appointment.