In The News: William S. Boyd School of Law

Mother Jones

In 2012, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made headlines by saying she hoped to see an all-female Supreme Court one day. "When I'm sometimes asked when there will be enough [women justices] and I say, 'When there are nine,' people are shocked," she explained during a legal conference in Colorado. Nobody "ever raised a question" when nine men dominated the court, added the now-82-year-old, one of three women on the bench today.


The immigrants are coming, and several Republicans vying for the presidential nomination are arguing that the U.S. may be in jeopardy. We should repel immigrants by building walls along the Canadian or Mexican borders, some suggest.

Modern Healthcare

A federal appeals court on Thursday sided for the first time against an Obama administration policy intended make sure the employees of not-for-profit religious organizations can get birth control at no cost.

Las Vegas Review Journal

People ask what makes a worthy column for me. Often, it's when I mutter, "Huh? I didn't know that."

Reno Gazette-Journal

The beef between Quiznos and Burning Man continues.


A recent report about Amazon’s workplace culture has made waves: Eighty-five-hour workweeks, annual staff culling, executives encouraging underlings to sabotage one another, employees weeping at their desks. Is this a necessary formula for success in the innovation economy? In a letter to employees, Jeff Bezos decried such practices as “shockingly callous. … Even if it’s rare or isolated, our tolerance for any such lack of empathy needs to be zero.”


The Obama administration has proposed new rules that will allow more salaried workers to be eligible for overtime.

Vegas Inc

In the television series “The Defenders,” Jim Belushi played Nick Morelli, who was based on Michael Cristalli, managing partner of the law firm Gentile, Cristalli, Miller, Armeni & Savarese. In addition to working in the spotlight for TV and radio, as well as arguing high-profile cases involving the murder of Ted Binion and the legality of medical marijuana, Cristalli focuses on the more mundane but equally important task of teaching future lawyers about the business.


State courts are twice as likely to incarcerate Native teens for minor crimes such as truancy and alcohol use than any other racial and ethnic group, according to the Tribal Law and Policy Institute. And juvenile detention facilities around the country have a disproportionately high number of Native American youth, according to an Indian Law and Order Commission report.

Washington Post

If you get a speeding ticket from a traffic cop, you have a right to fight it. And you don’t have to pay the fine until the case is resolved in court.

Washington Post

If you get a speeding ticket from a traffic cop, you have a right to fight it. And you don’t have to pay the fine until the case is resolved in court.

Sierra Sun

In 1787, as the Constitutional Convention recessed having completed its work, an anxious lady asked Benjamin Franklin: “So Dr. Franklin, what kind of government are we to have?”