In The News: William S. Boyd School of Law

High Country News

On Jan. 8, 2018, the trial room on the seventh floor of the Las Vegas, Nevada, federal courthouse was packed with over a dozen reporters and at least five times as many spectators. At the front, facing the bench, was a 71-year-old rancher named Cliven Bundy.

New York Times

Trips abroad with the president can be grueling for staff and journalists alike. Long hours, with stops in multiple time zones, are often the norm.

Las Vegas Sun

Immigration advocates are worried a new citizenship question on the upcoming Census will hurt population data in certain states, affecting representation for voters and federal funding.

Las Vegas Sun

A Las Vegas mother who spent 10 days in federal custody after being detained by immigration authorities is planning to sue the U.S. government, her representatives said today.

10 Thousand Couples

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is dead wrong on deporting criminal aliens and that's bad news for President Trump's immigration agenda, explained LevinTV host Mark Levin on his national radio show Wednesday evening. The majority opinion in that case was one of the last written by Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in 2016 and whose seat Gorsuch filled. http:///2018/04/supreme-court-strikes-down-key-deportation-provision/

El Nuevo Herald

The Supreme Court of the United States declared on Tuesday that the clause of the immigration law that expedites the deportation of immigrants convicted of violent crimes can not be applied.


The institution invalidates a provision of a law that requires the mandatory deportation of immigrants convicted of crimes of violence; Judges argue that the law is unconstitutionally vague.


The Supreme Court on Tuesday invalidated a provision of federal law that requires the mandatory deportation of immigrants who have been convicted of some "crimes of violence," holding that the law is unconstitutionally vague.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

On Feb. 27, 2017, a man sits, sipping tea at the dining room table in his Pennsylvania home when federal immigration officers arrive at his door. Once inside, they demand his ID, which shows he is not a US citizen. Then, they arrest him and his co-worker, who arrives for their morning carpool. Neither man has a criminal record.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Nevada and California are “brothers and sisters in more ways than other states can say,” and the Route 91 festival shooting cemented that notion further, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said Friday during a gun policy discussion at UNLV.

The Indiana Lawyer

Senate candidate Todd Rokita likely violated ethics laws as Indiana’s secretary of state by repeatedly accessing a Republican donor database from his government office, prompting party officials to lock him out of the system until he angrily complained, three former GOP officials told The Associated Press.

Washington Times

They pose as the cost-effective and more intimate alternative to pricey attorneys for immigrants looking to establish U.S. residency. Usually Spanish-speaking, they’re familiar with the immigration process - and how to take advantage of those seeking help.